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Congratulations Dr. Sole Roig, new ICMAB graduate!

On September 28, Soledad Roig defended her doctoral thesis “Novel bacterial cellulose materials: structuration, functional nanocomposites and photocurable Hydrogels”.

The PhD thesis was supervised by Anna Roig and Anna Laromaine, from the NN group. The PhD Committee that evaluated the Thesis was formed by Miguel Gama, Universidade do Minho, Portugal (President), Fabiola Vilaseca Morera, Universitat de Girona (Secretary), and Carlos Albert García González, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Vocal).

Sole Roig’s PhD thesis was part of the PhD Programme in Materials Science from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Conratulations Sole!

bacterial cellulose, Sole Roig, thesis defense