Amanda attended a course on Good Practice in Science in Valencia

Amanda Muñoz had the opportunity to attend a CSIC course titled Curso de Buenas Prácticas Científicas (Good practice in Science). It took place in La Casa de la Ciencia in Valencia. PhD students from different fields gathered there to learn and discuss:

– How to take notes in a lab notebook
– Statistics
– Bibliography storage
– Patents
– Ethics in Science
– How to resolve conflicts between the supervisor and the student
– Collaborations
– Presentation of the results
and more things. You can go to Amanda´s office to ask for more information.

Amanda found this course quite useful and encourages the PhD students who have not gone yet to go next year. “Humans learn from humans. I listened to my colleagues’ problems, and we discussed which was the best solution.
We talked about fraud in science. Sadly, I was not surprised by the number of scientists who lie for publishing articles. It is a task of all-scientific society to reduce the amount of these incidents and return to the science community the prestige that Science deserves.” Amanda said after the course.

Amanda Muñoz, course, good practice