Anna Roig and Anna Laromaine presented our research at the nanoMATERIALS & PLANTS: ICMAB-CRAG meeting
On Monday, July 16, 2018, the first ICMAB-CRAG meeting took place at CRAG. The goal of this meeting was to promote new collaborations among researchers from the ICMAB and the CRAG.
Anna Laromaine, who already collaborates with CRAG with the project “Plant nano-healing“, gave an overview about the C.elegans and the bacterial cellulose research lines in the N&N group. Later, Anna Roig presented the library of nanoparticles and its diverse applications that the N&N group has developed in the recent years.

Anna Laromaine, Anna Roig, collaboration, CRAG, ICMAB, nanomaterials, nanoparticles, plant healing, plants