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Anna Roig at the HINT COST Action Final Meeting in Aveiro, Portugal

aveiroThe Final Meeting of the COST Action on Hybrid Interfaces (HINT) will take place on October 10-12, 2016, at the Reitoria building of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. The meeting aims at sharing the learned lessons on design, control, and dynamics of interfaces in hybrid organic-inorganic materials over the last four years in which the different partners have worked on this topics. 

Anna Roig will participate in the meeting and will give a talk on “Bio-screening of protein coated SPIONs: in vitro and in vivo by the C. elegans model” (Monday, October 10, 5.40 pm).

For more information on the agenda, please visit the conference webiste:




Anna Roig, bio-screening, biology, C. elegans, conference, COST, COST action, HINT, hybrid, hybrid materials, in-vitgro, in-vivo, meeting, model, nanoparticles, protein-coated, SPIONs