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Author: Anna May

Anna May Masnou is the new Communication & Outreach Officer at ICMAB

Anna May, postdoc in our group, is from now on the new Communication & Outreach Officer at ICMAB. Anna holds a PhD in Materials Science and Technology and is currently studying a postgraduate course in Science Communication. 

Nothing in science has any value to society if it is not communicated, and scientists are beginning to learn their social obligations. — Anne Roe (The Making of a Scientist (1953), 17)

We wish her all the luck in this new endeavour! 

  • News at ICMAB webpage here

Miquel Torras multipremiat per les Societats Catalanes de Química i de Física pel seu treball final de grau

Miquel Torras, membre del N&N Group, ha guanyat el Premi de la Societat Catalana de Química (per a estudiants) de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) a la Convocatòria dels Premis Sant Jordi 2017, i una menció honorífica al Premi Jordi Porta i Jué de la Societat Catalana de Física (per a estudiants). 

El treball d’investigació presentat va ser el seu treball final de grau (TFG) “Nanomaterials amb propietats magnètiques i plasmòniques: nanotriangles d’or decorats amb nanopartícules d’òxid de ferro superparamagnètiques” supervisat per Anna Roig

Els premis seran lliurats a la Sala Prat de la Riba de l’IEC el dia 21 d’abril a les 12 hores

En Miquel Torras va realitzar el seu TFG durant el primer semestre del 2016. Actualment està cursant el màster a la UB en “Química de Materials Aplicada” i ha tornat al N&N Group per realitzar el treball de màster.

Estem molt contents per aquests premis! Esperem que els gaudeixis, Miquel!

Altres posts:

Apply now for the Scientific Summer School on Materials for Biomedical Applications – June 19-22, 2017

ICMAB organizes the summer school “Materials for Biomedical Applications”, which will present the design, development and application of new materials for a wide range of biomedical applications. The summer school is addressed to last year undergraduate, master and PhD students

The school includes lectures from international and local speakers, hands on and management activities. As a consequence, this scientific school is an optimal opportunity to discover, learn and practise on material science focusing on fundamental science and applied research in the field of biomedicine.

The local organizing committee is formed by Arantzazu González, Anna Laromaine, Rosario Núñez, Jose Vidal-Gancedo and Gerard Tobias.

  • Application deadline: May 21, 2017
  • Places available: 50
  • Registration fee: 100 € (Scholarships available! Send your CV and motivation letter to
  • Flyer here
  • Webpage here

Zhongrui Luo presented a poster and Anna Laromaine gave a talk at the VI Spanish Worm Meeting in Valencia

Zhongrui Luo

Anna Laromaine and Zhongrui Luo attended last week the VI Spanish Worm Meeting in Valencia (Spain), a biennial gathering of the scientific communitiy working with C. elegans. This meeting covers a wide range of topics, including development, neurobiology, aging and disease, metabolism and new technologies applied to C. elegans.

Anna gave the talk on “Evaluation of albumin pre-coated SPIONS in cell culture and C. elegans (Laura González-Moragas, Si-Ming Yu, Maria Milla, Anna Roig, Anna Laromaine) on Friday 10th March.

Anna Laromaine

Luo presented the poster Evaluation of the nano-bio interactions between Au-NPs and Caenorhabditis elegans (Laura González-Moragas, Zhongrui Luo, Anna Roig, Anna Laromaine). It was his first time in Valencia and he really enjoyed the meeting!

Anna Roig will participate in a PhD Thesis Committee at Universitat Jaume I (Castelló de la Plana)

Anna Roig will participate this Monday 13th March in a Ph.D. Thesis Committee at Universiat Jaume I in Castelló de la Plana (País Valencià). 

The thesis, written by Francisco Gonell Gómez, is entitled “Design of new nanomaterials for their use in catalysis and photochemistry”

The Ph.D. Supervisors are Beatriz Julián López, Tenure Professore of Inorganic Chemistry at Universitat Jaume I, and Avelino Corma Canós, Research Professor at Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ-CSIC). 


Anna Laromaine and Zhongrui Luo participate in the VI Spanish Worm Meeting in Valencia

Anna and Luo will attend on 9th-10th March the VI Spanish Worm Meeting in Valencia (Spain). 

Anna will give the talk on “Evaluation of albumin pre-coated SPIONS in cell culture and C. elegans on Friday, 10th March, at 9 am. 

Luo will present the poster on Evaluation of the nano-bio interactions between Au-NPs and Caenorhabditis elegans (Laura González-Moragas, Zhongrui Luo, Anna Roig, Anna Laromaine). 

The Spanish Worm Meeting (SWM) is a biennial gathering of the scientific communitiy working with C. elegans. It covers a wide range of topics, including development, neurobiology, aging and disease, metabolism and new technologies applied to C. elegans

In the website you can find information about previous Spanish Worm Meetings and resources related to C. elegans (research groups, wormbase, wormbook, etc.).

We hope they enjoy the meeting!

ICMAB news: Anna Laromaine representing the CSIC at NanoTech 2017 in Tokyo

Anna Laromaine (NN Group, ICMAB-CSIC), Pedro Serena (Delegate of the CSIC in the Community of Madrid) and Javier Maira (Head of the Technology Marketing Unit of the CSIC)

The participation of Anna Laromaine at NanoTech 2017 (International Nanotechnology Exhibition and Conference) in Tokyo has appeared at the ICMAB website

Anna could present there the patentMethod for the regeneration of plant tissues” developed by ICMAB-CSIC and CRAG (Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics) to several companies.

  • Read the news at ICMAB here
  • Read the previous post in this website here