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Author: Anna Roig

Hot off the press at Nanoscale!

Albumin-coated SPIONs: An experimental and theoretical evaluation of protein conformation, binding affinity, and competition with serum proteinsby Siming Yu, Alex Perálvarez-Marín, Caterina Minelli, Jordi Faraudo, Anna Roig* and Anna Laromaine*, has just been accepted for publication in Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1039/C6NR01732K.

nanoscale-hotAmong inorganic nanoparticles, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) show great promise for medicine. In this work, we study in detail the formation, composition, and structure of a monolayer of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on SPIONs. We determine, both by molecular simulations and experimentally, that ten molecules of BSA form a monolayer of BSA around  the SPIONs and their binding strength to the SPIONs is about 3.5×10–4 M, ten times higher than the adsorption of fetal bovine serum (FBS) on the same SPIONs. We elucidate a strong electrostatic interaction between BSA and the SPIONs, although the secondary structure of the protein is not affected. We present data that supports the strong binding of the BSA layer on SPIONs and the properties of the BSA layer as a protein-resistant coating. We believe that a complete understanding of the behavior and morphology of BSA-SPIONs and how the protein interacts with SPIONs is crucial for improving NP surface design and expanding the potential applications of SPIONs in nanomedicine.


Premi pel Treball Final de Grau d’en Pol Sallés

026El treball final de grau “TIO2/Au nanoparticles on bacterial cellulose substrates for photocatalytic applications” d’en Pol ha estat guardonat amb el Premi Xavier Domingo de la Universitat de Barcelona en la seva quarta edició. El Premi Xavier Domingo reconeix els millors treballs de final de grau sobre ciència de col·loides, cosmètica i detergència i està obert a tots els estudiants de les universitats espanyoles.

El lliurament del premi es farà el dia 4 de juliol a l’Hotel Crowne Plaza, coincidint amb l’acte inaugural del Formula VIII Congress of Formulation i les 46es Jornades anuals del Comité Español de la Detergencia, Tensioactivos y Afines. 

N&N Group joints the celebration of the first International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2016

ICMAB Women and Girls

Today, 11 February, is the first International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day created by the United Nations to emphasise the importance of women in science and to rise the gender equality in the scientific world. The women and girls from the N&N Group have participated in the celebration of this day, as you can see in the picture (enlarge here). 

For more information about this day, click here.

COMMON SENSE RESULTS: First test of the newly developed heavy metal sensors for Cd and Pb in natural sea water samples


This first test using natural Mediterranean seawater has shown that the method and electrodes worked correctly.

Studies were done at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) in the Aquaria and Experimental Chambers (ZAE) facilities.

The water salinity of the samples was ~38, that is, nearly the highest values (40) that can be found in open seas worldwide. Neither “recent” nor “old” seawater analysed showed significant values of Cd and Pb. However, Cu was detected in the “old” seawater. These results are in accordance to the periodic control analyses carried out in the ZAE.

Laura Asturias (NAPCOM-CSIC) and Jordi Salat (ICM-CSIC)

See complete NOTE: First Tests

Laura González Graduation Ceremony

Laura has graduated from the ‘Mlaura graduationàster en Direcció i Organització Industrial’ of EUSS – Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià -. Her master thesis proposed a scale up fabrication process for iron oxide nanoparticles including a business plan. Yesterday she received the diploma and a prize recognition for being the top graded of her course. 

New paper accepted in Microchimica Acta

The work has resulted from a collaboration between the ICMAB, the CNM and the company Dropsens.


Screen-printed electrodes made of a bismuth nanoparticle porous carbon nanocomposite material applied to the detection of heavy metals (Pengfei Niu, César  Fernández-Sánchez,* Martí Gich,* Carla Navarro-Hernández, Pablo Fanjul-Bolado, and Anna Roig, Microchimica Acta, Volume 183, Issue 2, pp 617-623). 

This work reports on the simplified fabrication and on the characterization of bismuth-based screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) for use in heavy metal detection. 
A nanocomposite consisting of bismuth nanoparticles and amorphous carbon was synthesized by a combined one-step sol-gel and pyrolysis process and milled down to a specific particle size distribution as required for the preparation of an ink formulation to be used in screen printing. The resulting electrochemical devices were applied to the detection of Pb(II) and Cd(II) ions in water samples.
he porous structure of carbon and the high surface area of the bismuth nanoparticles allow for the detection of Pb(II) and Cd(II) at concentration levels below 4 ppb. The application of the SPEs was demonstrated by quantifying these ions in tap drinking water and wastewater collected from an influent of an urban wastewater treatment plant.

Anna Roig will present at NanoBio&Med2015


NanoBio&Med 2015 to be held in Barcelona 18-20 Nov  is going to present the most recent international developments in the field of Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine and will provide a platform for multidisciplinary communication, new cooperations and projects to participants from both science and industry. Emerging and future trends of the converging fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology and medicine will be discussed among industry, academia, governmental and non-governmental institutions.

Anna will talk on the bio-identity of albumin-iron oxide nanoparticles on the 19th Nov at 16:20 h.

More information at the event webpage: