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MAGBBRIS project kicks off

The MAGBBRIS Consortium, where Yajie Zhang and Anna Roig participate, celebrated its kickoff meeting during the 26th and 27th of March 2018. The project coordinator, Anna Rosell, welcomed the participants at the Vall d’Hebron Research institute (VHIR), in Barcelona. 


During the meetings the participants had the opportunity to understand better the EuroNanoMed Joint Call thanks to Janna Slabbekoorn from the Competitive Calls Unit from VHIR. Afterwards they heard a little bit about each partner’s background related to the project. the members of the consortium could also learn about the past work using endothelial progenitor cells for the treatment of stroke, nanocapsule synthesis, pre-clinical and clinical magnetic resonance imaging, different in vitro models of the blood-brain barrier, manufacturing of high volumes of proteins under GMP conditions and magnetic targeting of nanomaterials.


We wish a lot of success to the MAGBBRIS project! 

Ma attended the Technologies for Oxide Electronics School 2018

Ma (middle) with other students from ICMAB and ICN2 at the Technologies for Oxide Electronics School 2018

The PhD student Ma Zheng participated in the Technologies for Oxide Electronics School 2018. This course was organized by the ICMAB and was held in Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliu, Spain 15-17th March 2018. The school focused on the new opportunities for oxide-based thin films technologies in data storage and computing, energy harvesting, optical and high frequency telecommunications. 

Anna Roig was an invited speaker at the International nanoComposites Conference


Thursday 15th of March 2018 Anna Roig gave an invited talk at the first edition of the International nanoComposites Conference, which is part of the largest European event in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: ImagineNano2018. This congress was held at Bilbao (Spain) and Anna’s talk was about “Bacterial Nanocellulose: Surface Microstructuration and Composites”. 


High participation of the N&N group at the 3rd Scientific Meeting of PhD Students

November 7th and 8th:
ICMAB hosted the third edition of the Meeting of PhD students from the Barcelona Nanotechnology Cluster – Bellaterra (ICMAB, ICN2, IMB-CNM, UAB, ALBA). This event is intended at  promoting the networking between them in an academic and scientific environment. The PhD students from the N&N group participated largely with posters and oral contributions:

Miquel Torras: Fast and simple microwave synthesis of functional multimaterial goldnanoparticles
Sole Roig: Engineering bacterial cellulose during the biosynthesis
Yajie Zhang: Multifunctional Platform of Nanocapsules as Drug Carrier for Angiogenic Therapies

Oral presentations:
Zhongrui Luo: Evaluation of the nano-bio interactions between Au-NPs and Caenorhabditis elegans
Zheng Ma: Understanding ferroelectricity in epsilon-Fe2O3 films
Irene Anton: Functionalized bacterial nanocellulose for epithelial regeneration

And… Irene was awarded with the second award for the best oral presentation!


23rd-27th Octobre 2017

Anna Roig was invited to the XVII Congreso Colombiano de Química where she participated in two different ways: Anna gave and Invited talk entitled: “Inorganic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Uses; from Cradle to Grave” and she also delivered a lecture in the pre-congress course in the topic of “In-vivo Imaging Techniques: Materials Science and Nanotechnology Challenges”.

During her visit to Colombia, Anna also visited the University of Santo Tomás, where she presented the work of the N&N group in a talk called: “Bacterial Nanocellulose Functional Nanocomposites”

Anna Roig with Iván, a former member of the N&N group

Anna Laromaine inaugura el curs a l’INS Cassà de la Selva

Aquest dijous dia 14 de setembre de 2017, l’Anna Laromaine ha donat la conferència inaugural a l’Institut de Cassà de la Selva donant el tret de sortida al nou curs. Com a antiga alumna de l’institut, ha presentat la investigació del grup N&N. També els ha animat a treballar per ser el que vulguin ser i fer realitat el títol de la xerrada: De l’INS Cassà to the world!

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