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Irene Anton was at the 31st Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society

From the 3rd to the 8th of September of 2017 Irene Anton, a Ph.D. student from the N&N group, attended a big meeting of Colloids and Interfaces in Madrid (ECIS2017). The event was hosted by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Irene participated with two posters and was awarded with one of the two prizes sponsored by the journal Polymers.

  • Testing nanocellulose as biomaterial for epithelial regeneration

  • Encapsulating endothelial progenitor cells’ secretome into magnetic nanocapsules for targeted angiogenic therapies



Anna Laromaine invited to NyNA and RICI7

Beginning of July was a very busy week  for Anna Laromaine! She was invited to two conferences as speaker. fisrt at the VIII International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) 2017 held at the Casa Convalescencia in Barcelona from 3-5th of July. Then, from the 6-7th of July, she was invited at the VII Iberian Meeting on Colloids and Interfaces (RICI7) in Madrid. Anna Laromaine’s talks were related to our work on the use of bacterial cellulose and their composites with nanoparticles which were attended with great interest from the audience.

Good job Anna!

N&N members at NANOSELECT annual meeting 2017

The annual meeting 2017 of the Network of Excellence NANOSELECT (Advanced materials and NANOtechnologies for innovative electrical, ELECTronic and magnetoelectronic devices) took place from July 10th to July 12th 2017 in Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Girona).

Several members of the N&N group (Ma, MartíMiquel, Anna May and Anna Roig) attended the meeting and participated with the following posters:

  • Pd nanoparticles on bacterial cellulose templated Al2O3 for catalysis (J. Grzelak, M. Gich and A. Laromaine)
  • Epitaxial stabilization of epsilon-Fe2O3 thin films without buffer layer (Z. Ma, J. Gàzquez, F. Sánchez and M. Gich)
  • Multimaterials-nanoparticles by facile microwave-assisted routes (M. Torras, O. Arriaga, P. Sallés, A. May and Anna Roig)
Ma showing his poster
Miquel and Anna May with their shared poster contribution

Anna Roig, invited speaker at the Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism

Last 3rd of July 2017, Anna Roig delivered the invited contribution “In-vitro and in-vivo screening of magnetic nanoparticles” at the Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM-2017). MISM Symposium is held every three years and it takes place at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. More the 1000 participants attended this edition where the communications addressed all aspects of magnetism. Anna Roig’s talk was included in the topic: Magnetism in Biology and Medicine.

The Lomonosov Moscow State Universitym where the MISM 2017 took place


Sole Roig attended BIENAL2017

From the 25th to the 29th of June of 2017, Sitges hosted the XXVI Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of ChemistrySoledad Roig, from the N&N group, attended this big congress and gave a talk entitled: Engineering Bacterial Cellulose. She presented her results on the creation of multi-functional materials combining layers of functionalized bacterial cellulose with diverse nanoparticles.

Sole presented her results at the session on “Polymers for a Sustainable Development”

Good job Sole!


MATBIO 2017 is here!

The first edition of the Scientific School on Materials for Biomedical Applications hosted by ICMAB starts on the 19th of June of 2017!

This summer school has a large participation of the N&N group: Several members of the N&N group are attending the workshop, Anna Laromaine was in the organization, Anna May helped in the dissemination and  Anna Roig will be the chair of one of the sessions and will also give a talk about in vivo imaging. 

Hope we all enjoy it! 

Prof. Orit Shefi gives a seminar on “Nano-based platforms for controlling neuronal organization and growth”


On the 12th of June 2017, Prof. Prof. Orit Shefi (picture, right) was invited by the N&N groups to give an ICMAB periodical lecture entitled: Nano-based platforms for controlling neuronal organization and growth” Prof Orit Shefi comes from the Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials in Israel. She has a large expertise in manipulating neuronal growth and differentiation using substrates with controlled nano-structures. All the N&N group members attended and enjoyed the talk! 🙂 

Dr. Natascia Ventura gives a ICMAB Periodical Lecture

On Monday 8th of May, Natascia Vetura will give a seminar entitled:”C. elegans as screening tool to identify environmentally related nanomaterials targeting mitochondria“.The talk will take place in the Sala d’actes Carles Miravitlles at ICMAB. the seminar is organized by Anna Laromaine from the N&N group. 

Dr. Natascia Ventura

Natascia’s lab is interested in understanding the role of mitochondria in environmentally induced neuronal aging and diseases. To this end, Ventura’s team exploits C. elegans as a powerful genetic and screening tool to evaluate materials and chemical and unravel molecular mechanisms of mitochondria-associated diseases, with special attention revolved to the crosstalk between genetic and environmental interventions.

Hope to see you all there! 

Anna Laromaine has been invited to the Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine to give a seminar on “Evaluation of inorganic nanoparticles in C. elegans”

On May 2nd Anna Laromaine was invited by Prof. Ventura Lab to give a talk in their facilities. The Group of Natascia Ventura uses C. elegans as a screening tool to unravel molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial-stress, with special attention paid to the cross-talk between genetic and environmental interventions.

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Anna Roig will attend the Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society in Phoenix

From 17th to 21th of April, Phoenix will host the Spring Meeting and Exhibit of the Materials Research Society (MRS). In this huge congress the following topics will be addressed:

  • Characterization, Theory and Modeling
  • Electronic Devices and Materials
  • Energy Storage and Conversion
  • Nanomaterials
  • Soft Materials and Biomaterials
Leaflet fo the MRS Sprin Meeting

Anna Roig is invited to give a talk named:

The N&N group has a great expertise in producing and characterizing bacterial cellulose, and in creating multiple nanocomposites based on this biopolymer. The group will also be represented by Anna Roig with two more oral communications: 

Phoenix is the capital city of Arizona (USA) and it is also called “The Valley of the Sun”