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Today is the Biomed PhD Day Symposium at Campus de l’Alimentació de Torribera (UB)

biomed-carteThe Biomedicine PhD Program team organizes this one day symposium Biomed PhD Day on December 7th at Universitat de Barcelona – Campus de l’Alimentació de Torribera

Some of the most experienced and renowned researchers in the field, such as Dr. Manel Esteller (Cancer Epigenetics, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute – IDIBELL), Dr. Antoni Trilla (Epidemiologist, Hospital Clinic, ISGlobal), and Dr. Patrick Aloy (Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology, Institute for Research in Biomedicine – IRB), will give Invited Lectures in the symposium.

The symposium will also include some interesting workshops on subjects of specific interest for PhD students, such as “10 tips to get your paper published in high-impact journals and how to avoid rejections” by Dr. Marta Pulido, “The anomaly of women in science” by Dr. Sònia Estradé, “Business and technology transfer in Biomedicine: why the prospect of making money is not that bad” by Dr. Luís Ruiz Ávila or “Planning your Academic Career, with an Open Mind” by Dr. Elisabeth Pain, among others. 

More information:


Anna Roig visits King Abdhullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)


This week Anna Roig is visiting King Abdhullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia. She has been invited by Prof. Xixiang Zhang at the Physical Science and Engineering Division. 

Anna has delivered a seminar today on Bio-screening of protein coated nanoparticles: in-vitro and in-vivo by the C. elegans model. She also visited the very well equipped labs and talked to students and faculty.


logo of KAUST

Deyaa will attend the XV Workshop on Rapid methods and automation in food microbiology

logo_xv_workshop_mramaFrom November 22nd to 25th there is the XV Workshop on Rapid methods and automation in food microbiology at the Veterinary Faculty of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). 

This workshop is organized by Centre d’Innovació, Recerca i Transferència en Tecnologia dels Aliments and Departament de Ciència animal i dels aliments, and is based on the original idea from Professor Dr. Daniel Y. C. Fung (Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA).

The purpose of the workshop is to broaden and spread the theoretical and practical knowledge about innovative methods for rapid detection, enumeration, isolation and characterization of foodborne and waterborne microorganisms and their products.

The workshop will consist on different presentations from researchers and industry, lab sessions and exhibitions. Read the program here

We hope that Deyaa learns new things and enjoys it! 

Some images of the workshop:


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Seminar about “Spin-Offs. From Lab to Market” organized for researchers at ICMAB

This morning, November 17th, at 9.30 am there is a session of “Spin-Offs. From Lab to Market”, within the Training Program FUNMAT (Severo-Ochoa Seminars), dedicated to all researchers and PhD candidates of the Institute. 

Some members of the N&N group have attented the seminar. It is always good to know what your colleagues are working on and to have information about patents and spin-offs creation. In our group, Anna Laromaine is cofounder of the spin-off  OsmoBlue, which aim is to produce electricity from low-temperature heat.

The program of the seminar is the following:

  • Why a spin-off ?
    PRUAB (Parc de Recerca UAB) activities in business creation. Presentation of cases and experiences. 
    Speaker: Julia Palma (PRUAB).
  • Synergism between Nanomol research group and Nanomol technologies
    Speakers: Nora Ventosa and Santi Sala (Nanomol, ICMAB).
  • Presentation of Oxolutia. Oxolutia path and “lessons learned”.
    Speaker: Albert Calleja (Oxolutia, ICMAB).
  • Roundtable with some researchers involved in spin-offs creation and other experiences

More information and the program here

Anna Roig attends the B·Debate on Imaging for Life: from Molecules to Diagnostics and Therapy at CosmoCaixa

Anna Roig will attend the B·Debate on Imaging for Life. From Molecules to Diagnostics and Therapy, that takes place on November 8-9 at CosmoCaixa (Barcelona). 

The scientific leaders of this B·Debate are Francesc Xavier Avilés, from the Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina (IBB) – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Boris Turk, from  “Jožef Stefan” Institute (IJS) – Ljubljana University, Slovenia. 

The objective is to bring together national and international experts in the field to discuss the future perspectives and strategies for the current challenges on molecular imaging.

The B·Debate will focus on molecular, cell, tissue and small animals research, and to their biomedical applications, including non-invasive diagnostic, imaging-guided surgery, multimodal scanning and theranostics.

Image from

For sure this B·Debate will be useful for Anna and for the group, since imaging is a powerful tool to study the interaction of inorganic nanoparticles with living organisms, such as C. elegans, which is the topic of Laura González thesis, for example. 

This B·Debate is an iniciative of Biocat and l’Obra Social “la Caixa”, together with the Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina (IBB) – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Jožef Stefan” Institute (IJS) – Ljubljana University (Slovenia). 

More information about the B·Debate:


Anna May will give a talk at the III Meeting of Young Researchers in Colloids and Interfaces in Madrid

Anna May will give the talk “Au/TiO2 nanoparticles on bacterial cellulose membranes for water splitting in gas phase” in the III Meeting of Young Researchers in Colloids and Intrefaces (III Reunión de Jóvenes Investigadores en Coloides e Interfases), which is held in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, during October 13-14, 2016. 

The work presented is in the framework of the Engineering Bacterial Cellulose Nanocomposites project from ICMAB, in collaboration with Jordi Llorca and Lluís Soler, from the Institut de Tècniques Energètiques (INTE) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). 

The meeting is organized by the Grupo Especializado de Coloides e Interfases, the Real Sociedad Española de Física, and the Real Sociedad Española de Química.img_8085

For more information:



Anna Roig at the HINT COST Action Final Meeting in Aveiro, Portugal

aveiroThe Final Meeting of the COST Action on Hybrid Interfaces (HINT) will take place on October 10-12, 2016, at the Reitoria building of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. The meeting aims at sharing the learned lessons on design, control, and dynamics of interfaces in hybrid organic-inorganic materials over the last four years in which the different partners have worked on this topics. 

Anna Roig will participate in the meeting and will give a talk on “Bio-screening of protein coated SPIONs: in vitro and in vivo by the C. elegans model” (Monday, October 10, 5.40 pm).

For more information on the agenda, please visit the conference webiste:




Call for papers for Spring Meeting MRS: Symposium NM3: Aerogels and Aerogel-Inspired Materials (Abstract deadline: October 13)

call-for-papersThe next Spring Meeting and Exhibit MRS will take place on April 17-21, 2017 in Phoenix, and it will include an interesting Symposim on Aerogels and Aerogel-Inspired Materials.

Call for papers is now open!! And abstract deadline is October 13,2016.

Don’t miss the opportunity to present your work and participate in the discussions with some of the best scientists in the topic!

For more information about the Symposium click here or go to the conference website:

Join us in Phoenix!

Martí Gich at the COMMON SENSE 36 Month meeting in Sardinia


Martí Gich is at the COMMON SENSE 36 Month meeting, which will take place in Oristano, Sardinia, on September 29-30. The COMMON SENSE project aims at developing low cost sensors that will revolutionise current marine monitoring strategies.

Please enjoy this short video featuring field testing of COMMON SENSE sensors, which have been testes in various cruises throughout the past year:

Website of the project:

Jordi Floriach attends the B·Debate on “Plant proteostasis: towards a green based industry” at CosmoCaixa, co-organized by CRAG


CosmoCaixa Barcelona hosts on September 27th and 28th a meeting of international researchers in basic and applied plant research focused on the development of new sustainable materials: “Plant proteostasis: towards a green based industry”.

The meeting is organized by B·Debate, an initiative of Biocat and Obra Social “la Caixa”, together with the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) (CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB), and the COST Proteostasis action. 

Jordi Floriach, student from the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology degree at UAB and intern in our group under the supervison of Anna Laromaine, is attending this meeting, whose scientific leaders are L. Maria Lois and Núria Sànchez Coll, from CRAG and collaborators of the N&N Group


The purpose of these debates is to bring together multidisciplinary biotechnology experts to create synergies that would facilitate the transition from a fossil-dependent economy to a sustainable bioeconomy, but also to gain acceptance and support from the general public to carry out this transition. 

More information about the agenda and the speakers can be found here: