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Huge participation of N&N group in 11F activities!

A huge number of activities were organized this year to celebrate Women in Science Day, which is the 11th of February. This year it was the fifth anniversary of the 11F initiative, and four of our group members went virtually to different schools to talk about how they became scientists and to show them important women scientist figures

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Anna Roig participates in debates about research and development in Catalonia

3rd March 2018 Anna Roig participated in the debate “Coneixement i Recerca” held at the University of Vic in the context of the “Congrés Participatiu Catalunya i Futur”. This project is supported by the platform The day before, she appeared on the local TV from Esplugues del Llobregat, on the program “Catalunya segle XXI-Recerca i Desenvolupament“.

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