Laura Gonzalez
Ph.D. student
2013 – 2017
Thesis: Evaluating inorganic nanoparticles in the living organism Caenorhabditis elegans
Current position: Laboratoris Vinyes, Barcelona
Ph.D. student
2013 – 2017
Thesis: Evaluating inorganic nanoparticles in the living organism Caenorhabditis elegans
Current position: Laboratoris Vinyes, Barcelona
Beginning of July was a very busy week for Anna Laromaine! She was invited to two conferences as speaker. fisrt at the VIII International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) 2017 held at the Casa Convalescencia in Barcelona from 3-5th of July. Then, from the 6-7th of July, she was invited at the VII Iberian Meeting on Colloids and Interfaces (RICI7) in Madrid. Anna Laromaine’s talks were related to our work on the use of bacterial cellulose and their composites with nanoparticles which were attended with great interest from the audience.
Last 3rd of July 2017, Anna Roig delivered the invited contribution “In-vitro and in-vivo screening of magnetic nanoparticles” at the Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM-2017). MISM Symposium is held every three years and it takes place at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. More the 1000 participants attended this edition where the communications addressed all aspects of magnetism. Anna Roig’s talk was included in the topic: Magnetism in Biology and Medicine.
On the 12th of June 2017, Prof. Prof. Orit Shefi (picture, right) was invited by the N&N groups to give an ICMAB periodical lecture entitled: “Nano-based platforms for controlling neuronal organization and growth” Prof Orit Shefi comes from the Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials in Israel. She has a large expertise in manipulating neuronal growth and differentiation using substrates with controlled nano-structures. All the N&N group members attended and enjoyed the talk! 🙂
It is a tradition to celebrate each spring the anniversary of ICMAB. On the 5th of May 2017 we all celebrated the 31st anniversary of our research centre with a party in the institute for all its members. There were many activities organized for this day: gymkhana, Poker, chess, Party&Co., 3D holograms workshop, swing class and exhibition, photo-call, and even a Ping-Pong tournament. All these activities were accompanied by food and drinks and there were prices for the winners in each category.
We congratulate the winners of the gymkhana which were all members of the N&N group(above picture): Sole, Jordi, Olatz and Luo!
On Monday 8th of May, Natascia Vetura will give a seminar entitled:”C. elegans as screening tool to identify environmentally related nanomaterials targeting mitochondria“.The talk will take place in the Sala d’actes Carles Miravitlles at ICMAB. the seminar is organized by Anna Laromaine from the N&N group.
Natascia’s lab is interested in understanding the role of mitochondria in environmentally induced neuronal aging and diseases. To this end, Ventura’s team exploits C. elegans as a powerful genetic and screening tool to evaluate materials and chemical and unravel molecular mechanisms of mitochondria-associated diseases, with special attention revolved to the crosstalk between genetic and environmental interventions.
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Group activity focuses on the controlled and rational synthesis of inorganic and hybrid (inorganic-organic) nanoparticles and nanocomposites and the study of their structural -functional properties. Among others, we are currently interested in the stabilization of metastable phases, the preparation of core-shell nanoparticles, stable colloidal dispersions and porous nanocomposites. Some of the synthetic methods we are using are sol-gel chemistry, supercritical fluids, thermal decompositon or microwaves. We must confess a soft spot for magnetic systems…
We aim at the applicability of our materials in the HEALTH and in the INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES sectors:
Current Collaborations:
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