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Congratulations Dr. Miquel Torras, new ICMAB Graduate

Doctor Miquel Torras, from the Nanoparticles & Nanocomposites (NN) Group at ICMAB-CSIC, defended his PhD thesis titled “Microwave-assisted synthetic routes for single and multicomponent functional nanoparticles” on Monday, 28 March 2022 in a hybrid session. Congrats!

The PhD thesis was supervised by Anna Roig, from the Nanoparticles & Nanocomposites (NN) Group at ICMAB-CSIC.

The PhD Committee that evaluated the Thesis was formed by Germán Salazar Alvarez, Uppsala University, Sweden (President), Leonardo Scarabelli, Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain (Secretary) and Andreu Cabot Codina, Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya, Spain (Vocal).

Miquel Torras’ PhD thesis was part of the PhD Programme in Materials Science from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

This article has been taken originally from another one published at the ICMAB website. Click here to read the original one, with an additional interview to Dr. Miquel Torras.