Farewell to Iván and Seminar of Esther Dalfo on biomedical applications of C. elegans
Today during the group meeting we said goodbye to Iván, who is leaving to continue his Ph.D. thesis in Colombia. Iván is a great chemist, who works with magnetic graphene for water decontamination. We wish him a lot of success in his thesis and in his future endeavours!
On the other hand, Esther Dalfo gave us a nice talk on biomedical applications of C. elegans “Investigating neurodegeneration by using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans”. Esther is an Associate Researcher at the Institute of Neuroscience of the UAB, specialized in neurodegeneration and human genetics. Thank you!
biomedical, biomedical applications, C. elegans, Esther Dalfo, farewell, graphene, group, Institut de Neurociències, Iván Gómez, magnetic, neurodegeneration, UAB