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Good news! Miquel Torras has secured a Severo Ochoa Grant for his Master’s Research at ICMAB within the N&N Group!


Miquel Torras, Master Student, coursing “MSc. Applied Materials Chemistry” at Universitat de Barcelona, has secured one of the competitive Severo Ochoa Grants to conduct his research at the ICMAB-CSIC, within the N&N Group

Miquel will work on magneto-plasmonic nanostructures, following the work of his Bachelor’s degree, under the supervision of Anna Roig.

We are very happy for him! Congratulations Miquel!

More info about the Severo Ochoa Grant call and resolution:


Anna Roig, grant, ICMAB, magnetic, master, Miquel Torras, nanotriangles, plasmonic, Severo Ochoa, SPIONs