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Jordi Floriach Clark will present his work on “Techniques for Bacterial Cellulose Production, Modification and Characterisation” at UAB

Jordi, student of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at UAB, will present his work entitled “Techniques for Bacterial Cellulose Production, Modification and Characterisation“, next January 19th, at 9.30 am, at Sala de Graus II C5/1068 (Science Faculty, UAB). 

Bacterial cellulose drops functionalized with nanoparticles

Jordi has been with us for nearly 7 months, and he has been working under the supervision of Anna Laromaine, as part of his practical studies (UAB coordinator is Dolors Baró).

We are very happy that he will continue with us to do his Bachelor’s Final Project until next summer!

bacterial cellulose, BC films, characterization, drops, Jordi Floriach, modification, nanoparticles, nanoscience, nanotechnology, techniques, UAB