Open call for JAE Intro 2020: three projects offered by N&N Group
The CSIC launched the JAE Intro 2020: Introduction to research fellowships for University students. The objective of this program is to introduce students to research activity in diverse scientific areas and to enable them to be in contact with CSIC research centres. Three projects are offered by N&N Group. The call is open from 9 March to 9 April 2020.
CSIC offers 250 fellowships of 3,000 € each for 5 months, with the possibility to extend it for other 4 months, which would be paid another 3,000 €. Each project will be mentored by a CSIC researcher and conducted at one of CSIC research institutes during the academic year 2019-2020.
The call is dedicated to university students with an excellent academic record. Applicants should have an average grade equal or higher than 8.00 (Sciences, Health Sciences) or than 7.00 (Engineering). The scholarships will be given to degree students that have completed at least 80% of credits in the academic year 2019-2020 or who are studying an official university master in this academic year or are going to be students of an official university master in the year 2020-2021.
The projects offered by N&N Group are the following:
JAEINT20_EX_0310: Celulosa bacteriana: nuevo material para cultivos celulares (Anna LAROMAINE SAGUE)
JAEINT20_EX_0933: Ad-hoc patterning of bacterial cellulose films with functional inorganic nanoparticles (Anna ROIG SERRA)
JAEINT20_EX_0956: Influencia de la deformación mecánica en el magnetismo de capas delgadas de Fe2O3 sobre mica (Martí GICH GARCIA)
Anna Laromaine, Anna Roig, CSIC, fellowship, Martí Gich, scholarship