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Work with us at the N&N group: DocFam+ and Jae Intro scholarships

Work with us: open calls for scholarships at N&N

Do you want to work with us at the Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites Group of ICMAB-CSIC? Now, two scholarships are open for you to work with us: DocFam+ and JAE Intro scholarships.

Join a doctoral programme with DocFam+

DocFam+ (DOCtoral training programme in Functional Advanced Materials: Towards a Better Future) is an ICMAB-led programme that will recruit 26 doctoral researchers in 7 different institutes. DocFam+ is an interdisciplinary and intersectoral research programme which offers a competitive salary and international experience.

The N&N group offers three projects within this programme:

  • Multifunctional nanocomposites for aqueous metal-air batteries – Dino Tonti & Pablo Guardia
  • Bio-friendly and flexible electronic devices for sensing – Marta Mas-Torrent & Anna Loramaine
  • Complex iron nitrides: from quantum materials to permanent magnets – Amparo Fuertes & Martí Gich

Apply for this grant until the 30th of June, 2024.

Find out more about this programme here:

Apply for JAE Intro 2024 scholarships

JAE Intro is a program that provides an approach to the research career to those students who want to take their first steps in the world of research, giving them, on the one hand, the opportunity to enjoy the possibilities offered by CSIC centres and institutes in different scientific areas and, at the same time, providing an introduction to advanced knowledge of scientific topics and scientific practice.

Take advantage of this opportunity until the 19th of May 2024.

If interested, find more information here: intro 2024 –

Barcelona, DocFam+, ICMAB, JAE-Intro, open positions, PhD scholarship, Research scholarship, scholarship, Work with us