Tag: award

The Scientific Advisory Board of the Severo-Ochoa Program visits the ICMAB

Luis M. Liz-Marzán, member of the SAB, with Anna Roig, Anna Laromaine and Irene Anton from the NN GroupToday and tomorrow (November 21-22) we have at ICMAB the members of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the Severo-Ochoa program, formed by internationally highly recognised researchers.


For this reason, this morning the coordinators of each Research Line have presented the main highlights, objectives and future perspectives of each Research Line. In the afternoon, the SAB members, guided by a PhD Student, had the opportunity to learn about the on-going research of each Research Group, with the help of the dedicated posters.


Our group had four posters on show:

  1. Bacterial cellulose, a biopolymer with a myriad of potential applications
  2. Evaluating inorganic nanoparticles in vivo on Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)
  3. Nanomaterials designed for pro-angiogenic therapies aimed at neurorepair after a stroke
  4. Multiferroic ε-Fe2O3 films at room temperature

Irene Anton was the guide of Luis M. Liz-Marzán, from CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastián (Spain). 


News at ICMAB webpage here

Congratulations to Elisa Carenza for the Extraordinay PhD Award!

elisa-carenza_premi-extraordinari-doctoratWe congratulate Elisa Carenza, who has been awarded with the Extraordinary PhD Award (Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat) for her thesis entitled Engineering iron oxide nanoparticles for angiogenic therapies“. 

Elisa carried out her PhD here at ICMAB, within the N&N Group, and in collaboration with Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), under the supervision of Anna Roig (ICMAB) and Anna Rosell (VHIR), in the framework of the UAB PhD program

The awards ceremony will take place on November 18, 2016, at 6.30 pm, at  Hotel Campus (Edifici Blanc).

Elisa is now working in a startup biopharmaceutical company (Addex Therapeutics) in Geneva (Switzerland), which develops new molecules for the treatment of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and epilepsy. Elisa is investigating the effects of these molecules in humans, in different Clinical Research studies. 

Congratulations Elisa!

More information about the Extraordinary PhD award resolution here
The thesis can be found in the UAB Digital Document Repository : http://ddd.uab.cat/record/128025


Anna Laromaine, one of the five granted scientific women in the “For Women in Science” program of L’Oréal #Ponlescara


Anna Laromaine is one of the five scientific women granted by L’Oréal in the iniciative “For Women in Science” #Ponlescara, to visualize scientific women in various disciplines and bring them close to society and to students. 


During the day, the five scientific women, with other three more, have answered the questions of more than 100 highschool students. The idea is to see that women are in all the scientific areas, and that the scientific career is a possibility to consider. 


The five scientific women have received 15.000 € to spend in Research Projects in their scientific areas within the XI Edition of the “Bolsas de Investigación 2016” program. Apart from Anna Laromaine, the other granted women are Vanesa Esteban, Azucena Bardaji, Jaione Valle and Anna Shnyrova. The ceremony took place in Madrid, with Cristina Cifuentes, president of the Comunidad de Madrid, and Carmen Vela, secretaria de Estado in Research, Development and Innovation.


More information in: http://www.loreal.es/periodistas/notas-de-prensa/2016/sep/ponlescara-iniciativa#

And follow the hashtag #Ponlescarahttps://twitter.com/hashtag/ponlescara?src=hash

News at ICMAB: http://icmab.es/news/awards/880-anna-laromaine-premiada-con-una-beca-del-programa-l-oreal-unesco?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook

Other links:
UAB: News at UAB page
El País: http://elpais.com/elpais/2016/09/29/ciencia/1475167149_087039.html
Cassà Digital: http://www.cassadigital.cat/noticia/3930/beca-loreal-unesco-per-a-la-cassanenca-anna-laromaine
Agencia Sinc: http://www.agenciasinc.es/Noticias/Cinco-cientificas-espanolas-premiadas-por-el-programa-L-Oreal-Unesco
20 minutos: http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2850212/0/beca-cientificas-loreal-unesco-for-women-in-science/
RRHH Digital: http://www.rrhhdigital.com/secciones/talento/119992/
Diari de Girona: http://www.diaridegirona.cat/comarques/2016/10/05/programa-loreal-unesco-beca-cientifica/807679.html
Tu Otro Diario: http://tuotrodiario.hola.com/futuro/2016092963500/cientificas-espanolas-premiadas-loreal-unesco/
Ràdio Cassà: http://www.radiocassa.cat/web/index.php/llistat-noticies/9-breus/1042-el-programa-l-oreal-unesco-beca-la-cientifica-cassanenca-anna-laromaine

Pol Sallés received the award for the best Bachelor’s Final Project at the Formula VIII conference

Pol Sallés received yesterday (July 4th) the award for the best Bachelor’s Final Project at the Welcome Ceremony of the Formula VIII conference, at Hotel Crowne Plaza, in Barcelona. Pol’s work was entitled “TiO2/Au nanoparticles on bacterial cellulose substrates for photocatalytic applications“, and was supervised by Anna Roig.Xavier Domingo Prizes

The prize, which consisted in 1000 € for the student and 500 € for the supervisor, to be spent in cultural activities/material, was delivered by Sergi Ruscalleda (CRODA), Miguel Burdeos (SPB) and Juan Lemmel (SEQC). 

Welcome Ceremony of the Formula VIII

This award is in the framework of the 4th Prizes Xavier Domingo, organized by the Spanish Committee of Detergent, Surfactants and Related Products (CED, Comité Español de la Detergencia, Tensioactivos y Afines), the Universitat de Barcelona, CRODA and SPB. A part from the award to Bacherlor students, there is also awards for Secondary Students who have done works related with colloids and surfactants. 

The winners

Best Oral Presentation for Laura González at the 2nd Scientific Meeting of BNC-b Students

Winners: Daniel, Laura, Enelia and Florind
Laura González (ICMAB) has won the prize for the Best Oral Presentation at the 2nd Scientific Meeting of BNC-b Students (PhD meeting) for her talk “Evaluation of inorganic nanoparticles in the model organism C. elegans”. 

The second prize for Oral Presentation has been for Daniel Grajales Garcia (ICN2) for his talk on “Bio-Hacking and Do-It-Yourself Biologist”. The two posters awards have been for Enelia Cristina (ICN2) (second prize) and Florind Merkoçi (ICN2) (first prize). The winners were determined through popular voting.

The aim of this conference is to give the opportunity to PhD, Master and Undergraduate students working in nanoscience at the UAB Campus to present their own scientific work in a 10-15 minutes presentation or in a poster (poster sessions). The meeting took place at the Facultat de Ciències i Biociències of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) on June 29th-30th.

Congratulations Laura!

Poster Prize for Anna May at the “Functional hybrid materials” workshop and training school in Stockholm

Poster Prize Anna May-MasnouPoster Prize for Anna May at the workshop and training school “Functional hybrid materials: Structure elucidation from molecular to macro level”, within the “Trends in Inorganic Chemistry (TINC)” series. 

Anna presented the poster Photocatalytic hybrid nanocomposites of bacterial cellulose and Au/TiO2 nanoparticles for hydrogen production”, a work in collaboration with the Institut de Tècniques Energètiques (INTE-UPC), and within the National Project Engineering Bacterial Cellulose (E-BCN).

This event, held in Stockholm University (May 25th-27th), was organized by the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the Swedish Chemical Society, within the EU COST action MP1202 “Rational design of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces: the next step towards advanced functional materials”. The Poster Prize was sponsored by the International Sol-Gel Society.

Jana Segmehl, from ETH Zurich, and who did an Internship in our group at ICMAB, also attended the workshop and presented the poster “Functional hybrid materials based on hierarchical structured cellulose scaffolds”, in which Anna Laromaine and Anna Roig are co-authors.

Jana and Anna

The program and speakers are available on the event website. A flyer of the event is found here. 

Event website: http://tinc.nu/web-swedish logo

Update 07/06/2016: The news appears on the International Sol-Gel Society webpage!

Update 06/10/2016: Picture of the participants in the HINT COST ACTION webpage!


Premi pel Treball Final de Grau d’en Pol Sallés

026El treball final de grau “TIO2/Au nanoparticles on bacterial cellulose substrates for photocatalytic applications” d’en Pol ha estat guardonat amb el Premi Xavier Domingo de la Universitat de Barcelona en la seva quarta edició. El Premi Xavier Domingo reconeix els millors treballs de final de grau sobre ciència de col·loides, cosmètica i detergència i està obert a tots els estudiants de les universitats espanyoles.

El lliurament del premi es farà el dia 4 de juliol a l’Hotel Crowne Plaza, coincidint amb l’acte inaugural del Formula VIII Congress of Formulation i les 46es Jornades anuals del Comité Español de la Detergencia, Tensioactivos y Afines. 

Congratulations to Anna May for the Extraordinary Ph.D. Award

IMG-20160211-WA0005We congratulate Anna May for obtaining the Extraordinary Ph.D Award (Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat) for her thesis entitled “Insights into nanomaterials: from surfactant systems to meso/macroporous materials and nanoparticles“, carried out at the Chemical Engineering Department of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and supervised by José María Gutiérrez and Montserrat Porras.

The awards ceremony took place today, February 11, at the UB Paranimf, and was also the ceremony to award the epidemiologist and oncologist Francesc Xavier Bosch with the honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa). Dr. F. Xavier Bosch is well-known for participating in the development of the HPV vaccine.


Anna May in the opening dance of the Gaudí Awards Ceremony


Anna May, from our group, is also a lindy hop dancer. She and some of her colleagues from the SwingCats dance school participated in the opening dance of the Gaudí Awards Ceremony. This ceremony, in which awards are given to the best cinematographic productions of the year, is organized by the Catalan Cinema Academy. Rossy de Palma was the host for this year’s show.

You can find the video of the opening dance here. Congratulations!

Excellent cum laude for Pengfei Niu PhD thesis!


NN group members would like to congratulate Pengefei for his excellent work on the PhD defense!

Pengfei Thesis is entitled Carbon Xerogel Nanocomposite Materials for Electrochemical Devices: Application to Heavy Metal Detection and has been supervised by Martí Gich from the NN group and by César Fernández-Sánchez from Grup de Transductors Químics of the Microelectronics Institute.