Hot off the press: New Paper in RSC: Nanoscale!
The article “Ce1−xZrxO2 nanoparticles in bacterial cellulose, bio-based composites with self-regenerating antioxidant capabilities” was published in The Royal Society of Chemistry: Nanoscale!
The article “Ce1−xZrxO2 nanoparticles in bacterial cellulose, bio-based composites with self-regenerating antioxidant capabilities” was published in The Royal Society of Chemistry: Nanoscale!
The paper “One-step double network hydrogels of photocurable monomers and bacterial cellulose fibers” was published in Carbohydrate Polymers!
The paper “Patterning Bacterial Cellulose Films with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Monitoring“, was published in ACS Applied Polymer Materials.
On September 28, Soledad Roig defended her doctoral thesis “Novel bacterial cellulose materials: structuration, functional nanocomposites and photocurable Hydrogels”.
New paper “Bio and soft-imprinting lithography on bacterial cellulose films“ has been published in the journal Materials Today Chemistry.
New paper “New Carbons derived from alcohol-treated bacterial cellulose with optimal porosity for Li–O2 batteries“ has been published in the journal Renewable Energy.
Nerea Murugarren, a Master student at N&N Group, participated in the ACS Spring 2021 meeting, organized online by the American Chemical Society.
We are happy yo share our latest publication about bacterial nanocellulose (BNC): In vivo soft tissue reinforcement with bacterial nanocellulose.
We are pleased to announce the incorporation of three new students that will work on their final degree projects in the N&N Group. Meet Judith, Roger and Pere.
All N&N Group researchers working with bacterial cellulose attended the 4th EPNOE International Junior Scientists Meeting (3-4 February). Amanda and Sole contributed with oral presentations. Cristina presented a poster and won the Best Poster award.