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Tag: Barcelona

The N&N group wishes you a happy Sant Jordi day!

 The 23rd of April is la Diada de Sant Jordi  in Catalunya and it is celebration of culture and love which are represented by books and roses. Today at ICMAB we celebrated Sant Jordi with a book exchange activity. 

Since Sant Jordi is linked to reading, here is our recommended read of the day: a enjoyable mini-review to gain insight aobut the huge promise of bacterial nanocellulose in biomedicine. 

The N&N group wishes you all a happy Sant Jordi Day!



Farewell to Carlos

Last week we said goodbye to Carlos Moya, who has worked as a postdoc during one year at the N&N group. To farewell him, we organized a dinner in Barcelona! We wish all the best to Carlos, he will continue with his research career at his former group, in the University of Barcelona. See you soon Carlos! 

Irene Anton participated in the Nanobio&Med conference on Barcelona

Irene’s oral presentaiton

From the 20th to the 22nd of November 2018 the PhD fellow Irene Anton attended to the NanoBio&Med conference organized at the Parc Científic of de Barcelona. This multidisciplinary congress was very useful to catch up with the recent advances in the rapidly evolving field of nanobiotechnology. Irene got the opportunity to present her results regarding bacterial nanocellulose interactions with human cells with both a poster and a talk. Her poster entitled “Bacterial nanocellulose and bacterial nanocellulose nanocomposites as substrates for cell culture” was selected for the best poster award sponsored by the journal Biomolecules MDPI.


Thanks to the MDPI publishing group for the prize!

Irene at the World Ophthalmology Congres

Irene Anton, PhD student at the NN group, attended the World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC 2018) organized by the International Council of Ophthalmology and held at La Fira de Barcelona (16-19 June 2018). In this huge congress, the latest advances in clinical practises and new technologies for eye care were presented. Irene also attended the 3D live surgery offered by the Barraquer Institute.

Anna Roig will present at NanoBio&Med2015


NanoBio&Med 2015 to be held in Barcelona 18-20 Nov  is going to present the most recent international developments in the field of Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine and will provide a platform for multidisciplinary communication, new cooperations and projects to participants from both science and industry. Emerging and future trends of the converging fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology and medicine will be discussed among industry, academia, governmental and non-governmental institutions.

Anna will talk on the bio-identity of albumin-iron oxide nanoparticles on the 19th Nov at 16:20 h.

More information at the event webpage:

Success in the HINT -BCN Workshop

Dr. Fernando Novio (ICN2) and Dr. Anna Laromaine (ICMAB) organized last 8-9th of June the HINT-BCN Workshop with success. Invited speakers and poster contributions were of great quality! From here, we would like to thank the group members for their help during the workshop!