Tag: energy

Seminar about “Spin-Offs. From Lab to Market” organized for researchers at ICMAB

This morning, November 17th, at 9.30 am there is a session of “Spin-Offs. From Lab to Market”, within the Training Program FUNMAT (Severo-Ochoa Seminars), dedicated to all researchers and PhD candidates of the Institute. 

Some members of the N&N group have attented the seminar. It is always good to know what your colleagues are working on and to have information about patents and spin-offs creation. In our group, Anna Laromaine is cofounder of the spin-off  OsmoBlue, which aim is to produce electricity from low-temperature heat.

The program of the seminar is the following:

  • Why a spin-off ?
    PRUAB (Parc de Recerca UAB) activities in business creation. Presentation of cases and experiences. 
    Speaker: Julia Palma (PRUAB).
  • Synergism between Nanomol research group and Nanomol technologies
    Speakers: Nora Ventosa and Santi Sala (Nanomol, ICMAB).
  • Presentation of Oxolutia. Oxolutia path and “lessons learned”.
    Speaker: Albert Calleja (Oxolutia, ICMAB).
  • Roundtable with some researchers involved in spin-offs creation and other experiences

More information and the program here

Jordi Llorca, one of our collaborators from INTE-UPC, in the Catalan newspaper ara.cat, talks about photocatalysis

Ciència.cat from ara.catJordi Llorca, from Institut de Tècniques Energètiques (INTE-UPC) explains in this video from the newspaper ara, one of the projects in which we collaborate: photocatalysis for hydrogen production from sunlight, a photocatalyst formed by TiO2/Au nanoparticles, and water: 

The video is part of the article, in Catalan: Com produïm electricitat amb el sol i l’hidrogen? 

In the video he says: “We obtain hydrogen -which is not in its free state in the Earth- to act as a source of energy, and to obtain it, we use use sunlight -completely clean-, a photocatalyst containing nanoparticles, and water.”

This article is part of a special issue called Ciència.cat about research and science in Catalunya, appeared this last Sunday with the newspaper ara.

You can find the special issue here: Ciència.cat