CORNEAL-BC project awarded with a LLAVOR grant!
Good news has been received from Programa d’Indústria del Coneixement! The project Novel Nanocellulose Patches to Treat Corneal Wounds (CORNEAL-BC) has been awarded with a 20.000€ grant.
Good news has been received from Programa d’Indústria del Coneixement! The project Novel Nanocellulose Patches to Treat Corneal Wounds (CORNEAL-BC) has been awarded with a 20.000€ grant.
El projecte “Nanopartículas sintéticas como tratamiento innovador en la sepsis (SPRINT-4-SEPSIS)” serà finançat per la Fundación Ramón Areces en el marc del XIX Concurso Nacional de Ayudas a la Investigación en Ciencias de la Vida y de la Materia.
“Martí Gich rep 2 M€ per investigar el 5G” is an article written by Núria Jar that was published on “El Diari de Sabadell“. It describes the project of the N&N researcher Martí Gich that has been awarded with an ERC of 2M euros!
We are very excited to announce that the N&N researcher Martí Gich, has been awarded with a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant (CoG) for his project entitled “Ferrites-by-design for Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Technologies” (FeMiT). Martí Gich will carry out his project in the period 2019-2024 with a total of nearly 2 M€ to cover the project costs.
All the N&N members are very enthusiastic about the project and wish Marti a lot of success, congratulations!
PLANT HEALING, a project lead by Dr. Anna Laromaine from the Group Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites at the Institut of Materials Science in Barcelona (ICMAB) and in collaboration with the Group of Bacterial pathogens and plant cell death from the Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), was awarded by Els Fons Europeus de Desenvolupament Regional i el Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya with a grant of 20.000€. The PLANT HEALING 2016 LLAVOR 00052 project will work to offer a novel material that could be implemented in current grafting protocols with no extra time or effort to significantly improve graft efficiency. PLANT HEALING will make an agricultural breakthrough, by developing a new nanocomposite material containing silver nanoparticles linked to bacterial nanocellulose.
The N&N Group has been recognized as a Pre-Consolidated Group (2014SGR765) accredited by the AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de la Recerca) de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Our group has been also awarded with funding which is very much welcomed!
Good job team!
Our application to the Fundamental Research Projects of the Spanish VI “Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica” with the project “Advanced preparation techniques for nanoparticles and their biomedical and environmental assessment (AdvancedNP)” has been funded.
We are very happy given the strong competition of the call due to the budgetary cuts.