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Tag: Martí Gich

Open call for JAE Intro 2020: three projects offered by N&N Group

The CSIC launched the JAE Intro 2020: Introduction to research fellowships for University students. The objective of this program is to introduce students to research activity in diverse scientific areas and to enable them to be in contact with CSIC research centres. Three projects are offered by N&N Group. The call is open from 9 March to 9 April 2020.

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Hot off the press: paper in Advanced Electronic Materials!

A paper authored by Martí Gich, “Unconventional Ferroelectric Switching via Local Domain Wall Motion in Multiferroic ε‐Fe2O3 Films“, was recently published in open access in Advanced Electronic Materials. It is a result of a collaboration between scientists from ICMAB, Aalto University and Forschungszentrum Jülich. It has received funding from the ERC.


Congratulations Martí!

Hot off the press: new paper in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!

The paper “Micro/Nanostructure Engineering of Epitaxial Piezoelectric alpha-quartz Thin Films on Silicon” has been recently published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

Congratulations to Martí Gich and former N&N Group member Qianzhe Zhang, authors of this work!

This study has been carried out in collaboration with NanoChemLab from Montpellier, France. 

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Congratulations Dr. Qianzhe Zhang!


The NN group members would like to congratulate Qianzhe Zhang for his excellent work on the Ph.D. thesis defense!

Qianzhe’s thesis is entitled Microstructural Control of Epitaxial α-Quartz Filmsand has been supervised by Dr. Martí Gich from the NN group and Dr. Adrián Carretero-Genevrier from NanoChemLab (Institut d´electronique et des Systèmes – IES, France) 

The jury was formed by Dr. Francisco Rivadulla Fernández (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Dr. Mariona Coll Bau (ICMAB-CSIC) and Dr. Romain Bachelet (Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology, France).

Congratulations Qianzhe! 

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Zheng Ma gave a talk at Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS2019)

Zheng Ma, PhD candidate at the N&N Group, attended Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS2019) in Uppsala, Sweden (26-30 August). He gave a talk “Structural and Magnetic Properties of Cr-substituted ε-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles”. It was a collaborative work between our group (supervised by Martí Gich) and  CMEOS group in ICMAB, as well as our colleagues from ALBA synchrotron. 

Good job Ma!