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Tag: Martí Gich

We welcome the new Ph.D. Students into the N&N Group!

New Ph.D. Students: Ma, Irene, Sole, Yajie and Luo.

Today during the Group Meeting we welcomed the 5 new Ph.D. students that will start their Ph.D. thesis in the N&N Group! We hope you enjoy your stay with us!

  • Ma Zheng: BSc. Electronic Information Science and Technology at Taishan University (Taian, China) and MSc. Condensed Matter Physics at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC, Chengdu, China). His Ph.D. thesis topic will be “Physics of ε-Fe2O3” supervised by Martí Gich. 
  • Irene Anton: BSc.Biotechnology at Universitat de Barcelona and MSc. Biomedical Research at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She will work on “Functionalized bacterial cellulose for skin tissue regeneration” with Anna Roig and Anna Laromaine. 
  • Soledad RoigBSc. Chemistry at Universidad de Valencia and MSc. Nanoscience, Materials and Processes at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Research work at Northeastern University, USA). During her Ph.D. she will work on “Engineering bacterial cellulose nanocomposites” with Anna Roig and Anna Laromaine.
  • Yajie ZhangBSc. Applied Chemistry at the Institute of Surface Micro and Nanomaerials at Xuchuang University (China) and MSc. Applied Chemistry in the Key Laboratory Marine Chemistry and Technology, at Ocean University of China, and will work on “Nanocapsules as drug delivery carriers for pro-angiogenic therapies” with Anna Roig and Anna Rosell (Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)).
  • Zhongrui LuoBSc. Bioengineering at Nanjing Agricultural University (China) and MSc. Applied Chemistry at Yunnan University (China). His Ph.D. research will be on “Assessment of nanoparticles toxicity using C. elegans as model organism”, with Anna Laromaine. 

Welcome to Dani Beltran in the N&N Group


We welcome Dani Beltran, who will stay with us until February 2017. Dani Beltran already did his Final Degree Project in our group (Synthesis and crystallization of SiO2-GeO2 gels), supervised by Martí Gich, while he was studying Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at UAB. Now he is a M.Sc. student in Biomedical Engineering at UB-UPC and will work with us in a project of crystallization of metastable phases under negative pressures, also supervised by Martí Gich. 

Welcome Dani! We hope you enjoy this stay with us!

Martí Gich at the COMMON SENSE 36 Month meeting in Sardinia


Martí Gich is at the COMMON SENSE 36 Month meeting, which will take place in Oristano, Sardinia, on September 29-30. The COMMON SENSE project aims at developing low cost sensors that will revolutionise current marine monitoring strategies.

Please enjoy this short video featuring field testing of COMMON SENSE sensors, which have been testes in various cruises throughout the past year:

Website of the project:

Hot off the press: new article in small! Alignment under magnetic field of mixed iron oxide/silica colloidal mesoporous particles induced by shape anisotropy

Scheme of the preparation of the mixed iron oxide/silica rod-like colloidal particles.

A new paper entitled “Alignment under magnetic field of mixed Fe2O3/SiOcolloidal mesoporous particles induced by shape anisotropy” (Jheng-Guang Li, Giulia Fornasieri, Anne Bleuzen, Martí Gich, Alexander Gloter, Frédéric Bouquet, Marianne Impéror-Clerc, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201602272) has been publised in small this last September 14, 2016. Congratulations Martí!

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Martí Gich and Qianzhe Zhang at the “iPolymorphs: Novel routes to inorganic polymorphs” conference in Donostia

Qianzhe Zhang presenting his posterFrom June 22th to 24th, Donostia (Basque Country) will be the capital of Inorganic Polymorphs due to the organization of the conference iPolymorphs: Novel routes to inorganic polymorphs.

Martí Gich and Qianzhe Zhang are attending the meeting: Martí will participate with a Keynote LectureDiscovering new low-density polymorphs via negative pressure synthesis”, and Qianzhe with a Poster Presentation “Stabilization of expitaxial quartz on Si from amorphous silica films”.

For more information, please visit the conference website and the speakers program.  

Martí and Anna with their contributions at the NANOSELECT Annual Meeting 2016

The NANOSELECT Annual Meeting in Sant Feliu de Guíxols has ended.The meeting has been full of talks about different topics, such as functional oxides, ferromagnetic materials, superconductors (YBCO and others), semiconductors for water splitting, Nanocosmos, alternatives of Li-ion batteries, and many other interesting topics. The meeting was held in Eden Roc, a nice hotel in Sant Feliu de Guíxols, between 8th and 19th June. 

Here you can find the contributions of the N&N Group, Martí Gich giving the talk “Ferroelectric domains and polarization switching ine-Fe2O3“, and the poster “Magnetic properties above room temperature in magnetoelectric e-Fe2O3“, and Anna May with the poster ““Photocatalytic hybrid nanocomposites of bacterial cellulose and Au/TiO2 nanoparticles for hydrogen production“.


Martí Gich and Anna May at the NANOSELECT Annual Meeting 2016

nanoselect-logoThe NANOSELECT (Advanced materials and NANOtechnologies for innovative electrical, ELECTronic and magnetoelectronic devices) celebrates its Annual Meeting on 8th-10th June 2016 in Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Girona). The Network of Excellence (NOE) NANOSELECT is a natural continuation of the corresponding Consolider Project which was focused in Functional Oxide Materials. The Meeting will be also supported by the Severo Ochoa Program.

Martí will give the talk on “Ferroelectric domains and polarization switching in e-Fe2O3“, and will present the poster “Magnetic properties above room temperature in magnetoelectric e-Fe2O3“, whereas Anna will present the poster on “Photocatalytic hybrid nanocomposites of bacterial cellulose and Au/TiO2 nanoparticles for hydrogen production“. 

The program of the meeting is found here: NANOSELECT NOE_06062016


Martí Gich and Laura Asturias attended the 30-Month Meeting of the FP7 COMMON SENSE project at DCU, IRELAND

commonsense groupMartí Gich and Laura Asturias attended the 30-Month Meeting of the FP7 COMMON SENSE project at Dublin City University, in Ireland, on April 6th – 7th, 2016. 

The COMMON SENSE project‘s title is “Cost-effective sensors, interoperable with international existing ocean observing systems, to meet EU policies requirements“, and the main topic of this meeting was Work Package 7: Sensors for in-situ monitoring of heavy metals. The COMMON SENSE project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (Ocean 2013-2) under the grant agreement no 614155.

logo-commonsenseLaura Asturias PresentationLaura Asturias giving the presentation in the meeting.

COMMON SENSE RESULTS: First test of the newly developed heavy metal sensors for Cd and Pb in natural sea water samples


This first test using natural Mediterranean seawater has shown that the method and electrodes worked correctly.

Studies were done at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) in the Aquaria and Experimental Chambers (ZAE) facilities.

The water salinity of the samples was ~38, that is, nearly the highest values (40) that can be found in open seas worldwide. Neither “recent” nor “old” seawater analysed showed significant values of Cd and Pb. However, Cu was detected in the “old” seawater. These results are in accordance to the periodic control analyses carried out in the ZAE.

Laura Asturias (NAPCOM-CSIC) and Jordi Salat (ICM-CSIC)

See complete NOTE: First Tests