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Tag: oral presentation

Large participation of the N&N Group at the International Symposium on Bacterial Nanocellulose in Porto

On 3-4 October 2019, four members of the N&N group: Anna Roig, Anna Laromaine, Sole Roig and Irene Anton attended the  fourth International Symposium on Bacterial Nanocellulose in Porto (Portugal). This congress gathers international researchers to communicate and share the latest developments in this fast-moving and continually expanding field of Bacterial Nanocellulose. All the N&N attendees presented their work in oral presentations. Moreover, Irene Anton was awarded with the prize for the best oral sharp presentation of the symposium.
Well done!

Miquel awarded for his oral contribution at E-MRS Fall Meeting in Warsaw

Miquel Torras, PhD candidate at N&N Group, attended the E-MRS Fall Meeting held at Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw, Poland) from 16th to 19th September 2019. 

His oral contribution was titled “Mechanistic insights on fast microwave-assisted polyol synthesis of silver nanoparticles with controlled size” and it was awarded with the 3rd best oral talk of his symposium (Q Nanoparticles: advances in synthesis, characterization, theoretical modelling, and applications).
Congratulations Miquel! 

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Zheng Ma gave a talk at Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS2019)

Zheng Ma, PhD candidate at the N&N Group, attended Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS2019) in Uppsala, Sweden (26-30 August). He gave a talk “Structural and Magnetic Properties of Cr-substituted ε-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles”. It was a collaborative work between our group (supervised by Martí Gich) and  CMEOS group in ICMAB, as well as our colleagues from ALBA synchrotron. 

Good job Ma! 

Sole Roig gave a talk at the 4th International Conference of Natural Fibers

Last 1st to 3rd July 2019, the PhD fellow Soledad Roig attended the 4th International Conference of Natural Fibers that took place in Porto (Portugal). There, she presented an interesting oral contribution with the title: “Multilayer bacterial cellulose with confined nanoparticle distribution” which was based on her most recent published work.

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Fruitful participation of NN researchers at the Spanish Worm Meeting!

All the N&N researchers working with the model organism C.elegans attended the last 28-29 March 2019 the VII Spanish Worm Meeting (SWM). They were very active participants! One oral presentation was given by Zhongrui Luo (“Evaluation of the nano-bio interaction between superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and Caenorhabditis elegans¨). Amanda Muñoz and Sumithra Srinivasan presented their work in a poster format. Good job!

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Irene Anton participated in the Nanobio&Med conference on Barcelona

Irene’s oral presentaiton

From the 20th to the 22nd of November 2018 the PhD fellow Irene Anton attended to the NanoBio&Med conference organized at the Parc Científic of de Barcelona. This multidisciplinary congress was very useful to catch up with the recent advances in the rapidly evolving field of nanobiotechnology. Irene got the opportunity to present her results regarding bacterial nanocellulose interactions with human cells with both a poster and a talk. Her poster entitled “Bacterial nanocellulose and bacterial nanocellulose nanocomposites as substrates for cell culture” was selected for the best poster award sponsored by the journal Biomolecules MDPI.


Thanks to the MDPI publishing group for the prize!

Sole Roig and Anna Roig participated in the EMN Meeting on Cellulose

From September 10th to 14th, the Energy Materials and Nanotechnology meeting focused on cellulose took place in the UAB Campus, Barcelona. Sole Roig and Anna Roig from the N&N group, actively participated in this event: Anna Roig chaired two general sessions and delivered the talk “Topography modifications and nanocomposites of bacterial nanocellulose” and Sole Roig orally presented her work “Confined nanoparticle multilayer bacterial cellulose composite”.


Good job girls!



Sole Roig with her presentation about bacterial cellulose multi stacks
Anna Roig’s oral presentation