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Tag: outreach

Anna Roig brings nanomaterials closer to secondary schools with the program “A researcher in your classroom”

The program “A researcher in your classroom” brought Anna Roig, from the N&N group, to Lliçà d’Amunt, at Institut Lliçà (Tuesday, 3 February 2018), and the ICMAB researcher Agustín Mihi to Institut Dr. Puigvert de Sant Andreu in Barcelona (Wednesday, 4 February 2018). Both audiences were secondary school students of 4t ESO.

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Anna Roig participates in debates about research and development in Catalonia

3rd March 2018 Anna Roig participated in the debate “Coneixement i Recerca” held at the University of Vic in the context of the “Congrés Participatiu Catalunya i Futur”. This project is supported by the platform The day before, she appeared on the local TV from Esplugues del Llobregat, on the program “Catalunya segle XXI-Recerca i Desenvolupament“.

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