Tag: outreach

Anna Laromaine inaugura el curs a l’INS Cassà de la Selva

Aquest dijous dia 14 de setembre de 2017, l’Anna Laromaine ha donat la conferència inaugural a l’Institut de Cassà de la Selva donant el tret de sortida al nou curs. Com a antiga alumna de l’institut, ha presentat la investigació del grup N&N. També els ha animat a treballar per ser el que vulguin ser i fer realitat el títol de la xerrada: De l’INS Cassà to the world!

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Anna May Masnou is the new Communication & Outreach Officer at ICMAB

Anna May, postdoc in our group, is from now on the new Communication & Outreach Officer at ICMAB. Anna holds a PhD in Materials Science and Technology and is currently studying a postgraduate course in Science Communication. 

Nothing in science has any value to society if it is not communicated, and scientists are beginning to learn their social obligations. — Anne Roe (The Making of a Scientist (1953), 17)

We wish her all the luck in this new endeavour! 

  • News at ICMAB webpage here

Anna May in a course about Science and Media at the RTVE studios

Anna May has participated this week in the course El científico ante los medios de comunicación organized by Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve, Indagando TV, Instituto RTVE and CSIC, with 25 other scientists of different fields. The course took place at the RTVE (Radio y Televisión Española) studios, in Sant Cugat del Vallès. 

This experience of two days gives the opportunity to scientists to see the dynamics of working in the media, with the aim that they learn to master the everyday situations, such as TV interviews, news writing, and press conferences, and learn to communicate science. 

Apart from the audiovisual media, the course is also dedicated to radio programs, institutional communication, science communication agencies and science outreach on the Internet

Some of the professionals that give the course are Graziella Almendral (Indagando TV), Ana Montserrat Rosell (Tres.14), Miguel Ángel Martín (Instituto RTVE), Marta Cáceres (Para todos La 2), Juan Antonio Senante (RTVE), Isidre Ramos (RTVE), Jaime Pérez del Val (CSIC), Pablo González Batista (M80), Adeline Marcos (Agencia SINC), Pere Buhigas (Lab24), and Marc de Semir (Fundación Bertelsmann).

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