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Tag: scholarship

Open call for JAE Intro 2020: three projects offered by N&N Group

The CSIC launched the JAE Intro 2020: Introduction to research fellowships for University students. The objective of this program is to introduce students to research activity in diverse scientific areas and to enable them to be in contact with CSIC research centres. Three projects are offered by N&N Group. The call is open from 9 March to 9 April 2020.

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JAE-INTRO for Pol Sallés

JAE_CSIC1_0Pol Sallés, undergraduate student of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology degree at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,  has been awarded with a JAE-INTRO scholarship by the CSIC to spend a three-month internship in our group. He will work on a project related to “Heterostructures of layered inorganic nanoparticles on bacterial cellulose substrates” and will be supervised by Anna Laromaine and Anna Roig.

Scholarship granted to Laura González

assistencia sanitariaAssistència Sanitària has granted a scholarship to Laura that covers 50 % of the tuition fee of the course on “Sistemes de qualitat en la indústria i la investigació farmacèutica” that she attended before joining us. The diplomas will be presented to the grantees next 18th June at the Hospital of Barcelona.