Congratulations Dr. Jan Grzelak, new ICMAB graduate!
On October 22, Jan Grzelak defended his doctoral thesis “Magnetic and fluorescent mesoporous silica nanorods towards liver theranostic uses”.
On October 22, Jan Grzelak defended his doctoral thesis “Magnetic and fluorescent mesoporous silica nanorods towards liver theranostic uses”.
On September 28, Soledad Roig defended her doctoral thesis “Novel bacterial cellulose materials: structuration, functional nanocomposites and photocurable Hydrogels”.
We have a new Doctor in the group! On September 29, N&N Group member Zhongrui Luo defended his PhD thesis “In vivo interactions between food availability and nanoparticles in Caenorhabditis elegans“. Congratulations to Luo and his supervisor Anna Laromaine!
On September 15, N&N Group member Yajie Zhang defended his PhD thesis, entitled “Multimodal Imaging PLGA Nanocapsules as Protein Carrier for Potential Neurorepair in Ischemic Brain“.
Yajie’s thesis was supervised by N&N Group leader Anna Roig and Anna Rosell from Vall d’Hebron Research Institute.
Congratulations to Yajie and his supervisors!
The NN group members would like to congratulate Qianzhe Zhang for his excellent work on the Ph.D. thesis defense!
Qianzhe’s thesis is entitled “Microstructural Control of Epitaxial α-Quartz Films” and has been supervised by Dr. Martí Gich from the NN group and Dr. Adrián Carretero-Genevrier from NanoChemLab (Institut d´electronique et des Systèmes – IES, France)
The jury was formed by Dr. Francisco Rivadulla Fernández (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Dr. Mariona Coll Bau (ICMAB-CSIC) and Dr. Romain Bachelet (Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology, France).
Congratulations Qianzhe!
13th and 14th September 2018 Anna Roig travelled to Palma de Mallorca in order to be part of a thesis defense committee at the Universitat de les Illes Balears. The title of the defended thesis was: Síntesis y aplicación de Compuestos Híbridos Nanoestructurados basados en Óxido de Hierro y/o Nanodiamantes. It was presented by María Susana Gutiérrez Gómez and supervised by Dr. Jeroni Morey Salvà and Dra. María Nieves Piña Capó.
Anna Roig was also invited to gave a seminar on this university with the title: “Celulosa biosintetizada pro bacterias como plataforma para crear nuevos materiales funcionales” where she explained our project on bacterial nanocellulose.
Ana Isabel González Garnica, student at the department of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Granada presented the thesis “MATERIALES BIOINSPIRADOS BASADOS EN BACTERIAS. APLICACIONES BIOMÉDICAS”, supervised by Dr. José Manuel Domínguez Vera and Dra Natividad Gálvez Rodriguez. The presentation took place on January 12th 2018.
Anna Roig was part of the thesis defense comittee.
The NN group members would like to congratulate Laura González for her excellent work on the Ph.D. thesis defense!
Laura’s thesis is entitled “Evaluating inorganic nanoparticles in the living organism Caenorhabditis elegans” and has been supervised by Dr. Anna Laromaine and Dr. Anna Roig, from the NN group.
This Friday 16th of December Laura González is going to defend her Doctoral Thesis entitled “Evaluating inorganic nanoparticles in the living organism Caenorhabditis elegans”, supervised by Dr. Anna Laromaine and Dr. Anna Roig.
In this thesis, we have used the simple model organism Caenorhabditis elegans as an in vivo biological system to screen inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) with biomedical uses. In particular, we have assessed the behaviour of two types of particles with different composition, size and surface properties: iron oxide NPs coated with citrate and bovine serum albumin, and gold nanoparticles of two different sizes. We have studied their interactions with C. elegans including their uptake, fate, biological effects and NP-responsive molecular mechanisms, and compared our results with previous studies. To this end, we have combined toxicity tests, materials science and imaging techniques and gene expression analysis. We have been able to perform this biological evaluation in the synthetic laboratory where the particles were synthesized and characterised due to the advantageous experiments features of C. elegans.In summary, this thesis exploits the potential of C. elegans as a simple animal model to evaluate NPs in the initial stages of development and contributes to: (i) a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of NPs in C. elegans, in particular studying the influence of NP properties (size, surface coating and core composition) on their in vivo effects, (ii) extend the toolkit of techniques available to characterise nano-bio interactions in small organisms.
The Jury Members will be:
Everyone is invited to join the presentation, that will be held at 12 pm at ICMAB Conference Room Carles Miravitlles. After the defense, there will be a “pica-pica” for everyone in the dining room.
Hi all!!
It´s a pleasure to announce the PhD thesis defense of Oana Pascu on the 31st of May 2012!! Join us!!