N&N Group welcomes three new students! Nanthilde Malandain is a PhD student and her project on bacterial cellulose will be supervised by Anna Laromaine. Darla Mare and Cristina Mira have been awarded the JAE Intro: Introduction to research fellowships for undergraduate and master students.
N&N Group has a new postdoctoral researcher! It is Nico Dix from Germany. During his stay in the N&N Group he will work with Martí within the ERC project FeMiT (Ferrites-by-design for Millimeter waves and Terahertz Technologies).
N&N Group keeps growing. Meet Paweł Cwynar, who is going to spend six months in ICMAB working on stabilization of low-density polymorphs by negative pressure under supervision of Martí Gich.
We are pleased to announce the incorporation to the N&N group of four new members: two PhD students and two master students. Let’s know a little bit more about them!
The call for the PhD grants form the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities “FORMACIÓN DE PROFESORADO UNIVERSITARIO (FPU) 2018” is now open. If you are a highly motivated student with a strong background in chemistry/physics do not hesitate to contact us (alaromaine@icmab.es)! The N&N group is offering a PhD project on the topic “Engineering Bacterial Cellulose Composites” aiming at developing new materials based on bacterial nanocellulose. Join us if you want to take part in this innovative project within an interdisciplinary and dynamic research group!
The N&N group keeps growing! This term we welcome two new master students, both of them will be funded by a Severo Ochoa Collaborative Scholarship:
Genís Rabost
My name is GenísRabost and I am from Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (Barcelona). Currently, I am studying a Biomedical Engineering Master’s Degree in UB-UPC. Thanks to the Severo Ochoa collaboration scholarship, I will be working in the N&N group for five months under the supervision of Anna Laromaine. My project is focused on the study of the interaction between nanoparticles and C. Elegans.
Albert Serra
My name is Albert Serra and I will be staying for five months at ICMAB thanks to a Severo Ochoa collaboration scholarship from CSIC. During this period of time I will be working on the development of thin film carbon microelectrodes for the analysis of arsenic in water, under the supervision of Dr. Martí Gich.
As the new academic course starts, we have new members in the N&N group: We welcome Michaela and Gustavo!
Michaela comes from the Czech Republic and she is going to work with Marti Gich for a short period:
I am going to study study epsilon-Fe2O3 in detail: its synthesis, properties, and applications. In the laboratory, I am going to study sol-gel process for preparation of iron oxide nanoparticles. Afterwards, the nanoparticles will be characterized by different techniques to examine their composition, structure and magnetic properties.
Gustavo is a permanent researcher of CONICET, Argentina. He will be at the ICMAB for a year in N&N group thanks to a grant from the Argentine government.
My current scientific interests are focused on magnetic colloids, dipolar interactions between particles and effects of liquid matrix solidification on the final distribution of nanoparticles as well as distribution of their anisotropy orientations. I am also interested on magnetic systems relevant to potential applications in medicine. In particular, heat dissipation for magnetic hyperthermia and magnetic induced transport for magnetofection gene therapy. At the N&N group, I will work on the synthesis and characterization of anisotropic magnetic nanoparticles as generators of magnetomechanical stimuli inside cancer cells as a new way to induce apoptotic cell death. We will work in performing insitu observation by optical microscopy of magnetic-microparticles movements induced by rotating magnetic fields.