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Welcome Aurna!

Meet Naureen Khanam, a new PhD student in the N&N Group! Aurna, as she prefers to be called, comes from Bangladesh and is going to work with Martí in the FeMiT poject.

Aurna was born and brought up in Bangladesh. She completed EIT InnoEnergy double degree masters programme from Poland and Portugal. She did her Master thesis at Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon wth a research fellowship offered by Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa within a project “Production and functionalization of cobalt nanofoams for energy storage”.

In N&N group, Aurna will be working with Martí Gich in the “Ferrites-by-design for Millimeter waves and Terahertz Technologies (FeMiT)” project. Her research interest within this project is to explore the opportunity of synthesizing epsilon ferrite oxide-based ferrite family by chemical substitution followed by structural and functional characterization for their use in proof-of-principle demonstrators for mm-wave and THz technologies.

We hope that you will enjoy your time in the N&N Group!


Aurna, ERC, FeMiT, Martí Gich, Martí Gich funding, New member, PhD student