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Welcome to N&N Group, Nico Dix!

N&N Group has a new postdoctoral researcher! It is Nico Dix from Germany.  During his stay in the N&N Group he will work with Martí within the ERC project FeMiT (Ferrites-by-design for Millimeter waves and Terahertz Technologies).

Nico had previously worked at ICMAB in the MULFOX group. His research was centered around the growth of epitaxial functional oxide materials by physical evaporation techniques (pulsed laser deposition and rf-sputtering), where he got in contact with a broad range of functional oxide materials covering conductors, magnetic, ferroelectric and multiferroic materials as single phase or in nanocomposite thin films.

This is how Nico explained his upcoming research in the N&N Group:

My research interests within the FeMit project are the epitaxial stabilization of metastable epsilon iron oxides based by physical and chemical methods, as well as their functional and structural characterization, pathing the way for their implementation in proof-of-concept demonstrators for millimeter-wave and THz technology.

Nico also said that he is glad to join the group – and we are very happy to have him!

Welcome Nico!


ERC, FeMiT, ferrites, Martí Gich, millimeter waves, New member, new postdoc, Nico Dix, postdoc, terahertz technologies, Welcome