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Medical Applications of Bacterial Cellulose

Lead by: Anna Roig
Ongoing PhD: Irene Anton
Ongoing projects: Developing Bacterial Celulose Nanocomposites MAT2015-64442-R; Spanish Government (218 k€)
Additional information: Poster
Relevant publications:
Biomater. Sci., 2020,8, 2921-2930


Nanomaterials for Ischemic Stroke Repair

Lead by Anna Roig
Ongoing PhD of Yajie Zhang 
Ongoing projects: ERANET; European Comission (SS k€)
Main collaborations: Dr. Anna Rossell; Vall d’Hebrón Research Institute
Relevant publications : 

  • E. Carenza et al. Acta Biomaterialia 10 (2014) 3775
  • E. Carenza et al. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 10 (2014) 225

Information Technologies

IT applications of novel ferrites based on ε-Fe2O3

Lead by: Martí Gich
Ongoing PhD: Zheng Ma
Ongoing projects: Ferrites-by-design for Millimeter waves and Terahertz Technologies (FeMiT) ERC CoG-2018-819623; European Comission (1.989.967 €)
Main collaborations: Jaume Gàzquez, Jose Luis Garcia-Muñoz, Florencio Sánchez and Josep Fontcuberta, ICMAB
Relevant publications: 

  • M. J. L Garcia-Muñoz et al. Chemistry of Materials 29 (2017) 9705
  • M. Gich et al. Advanced Materials 26 (2014) 4645

Additional information:
Poster: epsilon-Fe2O3 Thin Films
FeMiT: Ferrites-by-design for Millimeter waves and Terahertz Technologies 

Epitaxial quartz films for photonic devices

Lead by Gich
Ongoing PhD of Qianzhe Zhang 
Ongoing projects: Frontier Interdisciplinary Project within Severo Ochoa Grant to Centers of Excelence; Spanish Government (70 k€)
Main collaborations: Carretero, IES Montpellier–CNRS and G. Herranz, ICMAB
Relevant publications : Carretero-Genevrier et al. Science 340 (2013) 827

Energy & Environment

Electrochemical sensors for semi-continuous on-site monitoring of water

Lead by: Martí Gich
Main collaborations: César Fernández, IMB-CNM-CSIC
Relevant publications: 

  • P. Niu et al. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (2016) 31092
  • Martí Gich et al. Journal of  Materials Chemistry A 1 (2013)

Additional information:
Poster: Nanocomposite electrodes for electrochemical sensor

Thermoelectrics supported on Bacterial Cellulose

Lead by Anna Roig
Ongoing projects: Frontier Interdisciplinary Project within Severo Ochoa Grant to Centers of Excelence; Spanish Government (70 k€)
Main collaborations: Mariano Campoy, ICMAB

Photocatalysts based on TiO2/Au/Bacterial cellulose

Lead by Anna Roig
Main collaborations: Jordi Llorca,Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona