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Join Us!

We are looking for good and motivated people who want to join a dynamic and active group as undergraduates, Master students, Ph.D. students or postdoctoral fellows. There are different types of fellowships and grants available during the year.

Ph.D. positions

Our group is prepared to supervise Ph.D. students and support grant applications. There are different options during the year to apply for a Ph.D. positions.

Candidates desirable should hold an excellent university degree. An interdisciplinary outlook is desired and will be encouraged.

Mostly funded through Spanish fellowships (grants from regional governments, MEC, Fundacion Areces, etc.) Of special interest are CSIC’s own fellowships, which are open to individuals of any nationality:

Please contact us and we will advise you what is the closest deadline, as well as you should contact if you want us to support your grant application.

Undergraduate and Master students

We welcome undergraduate and Master students in our lab, contact us or come to visit us.


Anyone interested is invited to send a motivation letter and brief CV to:

Dr. Anna Roig 
Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona 

Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra 
Tel.: +34-93-580-18-53 