Tag: gymkhana winners

31st Anniversary of ICMAB and… party!

It is a tradition to celebrate each spring the anniversary of ICMAB. On the 5th of May 2017 we all celebrated the 31st anniversary of our research centre with a party in the institute for all its members. There were many activities organized for this day: gymkhana, Poker, chess, Party&Co., 3D holograms workshop, swing class and exhibition, photo-call, and even a Ping-Pong tournament. All these activities were accompanied by food and drinks and there were prices for the winners in each category. 

Hologram worshop

We congratulate the winners of the gymkhana which were all members of the N&N group(above picture): Sole, Jordi, Olatz and Luo!

Members of the N&N group at the photo-call of the ICMAB party

Happy birthday ICMAB!