Tag: Nano-Kit

The ICMAB Nano-Kit travels to UIMP with Anna Roig

Anna Roig gave a nano-lecture on nanomaterials at UIMP (Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo) within the course Nanotecnología: luces y sombras del control de la materia a escala atómica (Nanotechnology: lights and shadows of the control of matter at the atomic scale) on July 11th 2016. 

Afther the lecture, she showed the ICMAB Nano-Kit to the students, who really enjoyed the explanations and enjoyed having the opportunity to have a close look at real materials fabricated at ICMAB, such as silica aerogels, gold nanoparticles, grafene, carbon nanotubes, superconductors, bacterial cellulose or AFM tips.

This Nano-Kit is used in the program “Un investigador a la teva aula” (A researcher in your classroom) to show high-school students the research carried out at ICMAB and increase their passion for science. The Nano-Kit contains samples of up to 11 nanomaterials synthesized within different research groups at ICMAB, together with an explanation card of each one of them.  

Pedro Serena, researcher at the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid at CSIC and organizer of the UIMP course, posted a couple of the images on his facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PedroASerena/posts/10209970119192355?pnref=story 

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The N&N Group participates in the Nano Festival at the Campus UAB

ICMAB workshopThe N&N Group has collaborated in the first science outreach festival of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. This festival, held between April 4th-8th 2016 in different locations of the Spanish geography (Zaragoza, Donostia, Barcelona, and Campus UAB) is full of different activities: seminars, exhibitions, workshops, nanodebates and competitions. 

Anna May and Pol Sallés participated in the workshop around “Nanomaterials at ICMAB“, in which different nanomaterials created by ICMAB were shown and the role of nanotechnology in our daily life products was discussed. The assistants were mainly students from the UAB (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, etc.), but also high school students interested in pursuing a Nanoscience degree were present. Tomorrow, Tuesday 5th April, Anna Laromaine will give a talk on Nanomedicine (Sala d’Actes, Facultat de Ciències, 10.30 – 13 h) and the workshop will also be held at the C1 Hall of the Facultat de Ciències (13 – 15 h). 

The program of the different activities held at Campus UAB can be found here
ICMAB workshop with Anna and Pol

ICMAB workshop

The news at the ICMAB webpage is found here.