Tag: waterborne

Deyaa will attend the XV Workshop on Rapid methods and automation in food microbiology

logo_xv_workshop_mramaFrom November 22nd to 25th there is the XV Workshop on Rapid methods and automation in food microbiology at the Veterinary Faculty of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). 

This workshop is organized by Centre d’Innovació, Recerca i Transferència en Tecnologia dels Aliments and Departament de Ciència animal i dels aliments, and is based on the original idea from Professor Dr. Daniel Y. C. Fung (Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA).

The purpose of the workshop is to broaden and spread the theoretical and practical knowledge about innovative methods for rapid detection, enumeration, isolation and characterization of foodborne and waterborne microorganisms and their products.

The workshop will consist on different presentations from researchers and industry, lab sessions and exhibitions. Read the program here

We hope that Deyaa learns new things and enjoys it! 

Some images of the workshop:


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