Tag: congratulaiotions

Jordi Floriach-Clark awarded excellent with distinction for his Bachelor’s thesis

Congratulations to the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology student Jordi Floriach-Clark and his supervisor Dr. Anna Laromaine Sagué for the excellent Treball de Final de Grau (Bachelor Degree Thesis). The work was on the use of bacterial cellulose for treatments in plants: “Bacterial Cellulose and its Nanocomposites for Applications in Regeneration and Infection Control in Plants.” and was awarded with excellent and distinction by the jury.

Good job Jordi and Anna! 

CONGRATULATIONS to Laura González!


We congratulate Laura for her Master thesis, the jury mark her work as EXCELLENT !! taking into account the following criteria:

Report: very good 

Oral presentation: very good 

Discussion with jury members: very good