Work with us: open calls for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) 2024 have been announced. The MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships “enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility.”
Work with us: open calls for scholarships at N&N
Do you want to work with us at the Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites Group of ICMAB-CSIC? Now, two scholarships are open for you to work with us: DocFam+ and JAE Intro scholarships.
10th Anniversary: Most popular articles in Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
The paper “Boron clusters (ferrabisdicarbollides) shaping the future as radiosensitizers for multimodal (chemo/radio/PBFR) therapy of glioblastoma” has been selected to be part of the Most popular’ anniversary collection, to celebrate 10 years of high quality, impactful and timely research in Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
Martí Gich has been awarded with an ERC Proof of Concept grant
We are happy to announce that one of our group PI’s has been awarded with an ERC Proof of Concept grant! Congratulations Martí Gich!
Sole Roig awarded with the CSIC Relevant Doctoral Thesis Award
Sole Roig did her Doctoral Thesis entitled “Novel bacterial cellulose materials: Structuration, functional nanocomposites and photocurable hydrogels” in our group between 2016 and 2021 supervised by Anna Roig and Anna Laromaine.
It is the first year that the CSIC granted this new award to CSIC Relevant Doctoral Thesis. The award recognizes doctoral thesis carried out and defended by CSIC research staff that have stood out for their quality, impact and relevance.
Wenchao Duan awarded!
Good news from Athens! Our Ph.D. student Wenchao Duan has been awarded the best oral presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications.
Congratulations Wenchao!
Corneal-BNC project finalist at Premios Expoquimia 2020
We are happy to share with you that the project Novel Nanocellulose Patches to Treat Corneal Wounds (CORNEAL-BNC) founded by a Llavor grant has been selected as a finalist in the PREMIO BIOTECNOLOGÍA I+D+I 2020 from Premios Expoquimia 2020. This translational project joins forces with the Barraquer Clinic of Barcelona to develop novel solutions for the treatment of corneal wounds. Congratulations to all the researchers involved!
New publication co-authored by Sole Roig and Anna Laromaine!
The N&N researchers Sole Roig and Anna Laromained are co-authors of the publication “Enzymically attaching oligosaccharide-linked ‘cargoes’ to cellulose and other commercial polysaccharides via stable covalent bonds” recently published on the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.
Congratulations to them and their collaborators!
Amanda – Finalist in the Biorender Graphical Abstract 2020 Contest!
Amanda Muñoz, a PhD researcher in the N&N group, became a finalist of the Biorender Graphical Abstract challenge with a visualization of her work with C. elegans and nanoparticles.