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Vinod’s farewell and pot luck lunch

Dr. Vinod is leaving the ICMAB after three years working with us and we prepared a farewell with a pot luck lunch to wish him all the best in the future. We enjoyed ourselves a lot and tasted very good dishes from several places in the world.

Good luck Dr. Vinod!


Welcome Oriol Escofet

Oriol Escofet is a master student from the UPC and he is joining to our group under the supervision of Pablo Guardia in his research topic:  “Size modification of silica-based mesoporous nanorods for biomedical applications”.

Welcome Mauricio Echeverría

Mauricio Echeverría is a materials engineer doing the MCs at the UPC and his work is focused on Porous graphene-nanoparticles composites for sensing applications under the supervision of Pablo Guardia.