Tag: Laura González

Laura González Graduation Ceremony

Laura has graduated from the ‘Mlaura graduationàster en Direcció i Organització Industrial’ of EUSS – Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià -. Her master thesis proposed a scale up fabrication process for iron oxide nanoparticles including a business plan. Yesterday she received the diploma and a prize recognition for being the top graded of her course. 

Laura will attend a summer school in Santander


Laura González has been awarded a full scholarship to attend the summer school “Integrative cellular and molecular biology. Fundaments and frontiers of the new biology”, which will be held from the 25th to the 28th of August 2014 at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander.

CONGRATULATIONS to Laura González!


We congratulate Laura for her Master thesis, the jury mark her work as EXCELLENT !! taking into account the following criteria:

Report: very good 

Oral presentation: very good 

Discussion with jury members: very good

Scholarship granted to Laura González

assistencia sanitariaAssistència Sanitària has granted a scholarship to Laura that covers 50 % of the tuition fee of the course on “Sistemes de qualitat en la indústria i la investigació farmacèutica” that she attended before joining us. The diplomas will be presented to the grantees next 18th June at the Hospital of Barcelona.

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