Tag: L’Oréal

Anna Laromaine, one of the five granted scientific women in the “For Women in Science” program of L’Oréal #Ponlescara


Anna Laromaine is one of the five scientific women granted by L’Oréal in the iniciative “For Women in Science” #Ponlescara, to visualize scientific women in various disciplines and bring them close to society and to students. 


During the day, the five scientific women, with other three more, have answered the questions of more than 100 highschool students. The idea is to see that women are in all the scientific areas, and that the scientific career is a possibility to consider. 


The five scientific women have received 15.000 € to spend in Research Projects in their scientific areas within the XI Edition of the “Bolsas de Investigación 2016” program. Apart from Anna Laromaine, the other granted women are Vanesa Esteban, Azucena Bardaji, Jaione Valle and Anna Shnyrova. The ceremony took place in Madrid, with Cristina Cifuentes, president of the Comunidad de Madrid, and Carmen Vela, secretaria de Estado in Research, Development and Innovation.


More information in: http://www.loreal.es/periodistas/notas-de-prensa/2016/sep/ponlescara-iniciativa#

And follow the hashtag #Ponlescarahttps://twitter.com/hashtag/ponlescara?src=hash

News at ICMAB: http://icmab.es/news/awards/880-anna-laromaine-premiada-con-una-beca-del-programa-l-oreal-unesco?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook

Other links:
UAB: News at UAB page
El País: http://elpais.com/elpais/2016/09/29/ciencia/1475167149_087039.html
Cassà Digital: http://www.cassadigital.cat/noticia/3930/beca-loreal-unesco-per-a-la-cassanenca-anna-laromaine
Agencia Sinc: http://www.agenciasinc.es/Noticias/Cinco-cientificas-espanolas-premiadas-por-el-programa-L-Oreal-Unesco
20 minutos: http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2850212/0/beca-cientificas-loreal-unesco-for-women-in-science/
RRHH Digital: http://www.rrhhdigital.com/secciones/talento/119992/
Diari de Girona: http://www.diaridegirona.cat/comarques/2016/10/05/programa-loreal-unesco-beca-cientifica/807679.html
Tu Otro Diario: http://tuotrodiario.hola.com/futuro/2016092963500/cientificas-espanolas-premiadas-loreal-unesco/
Ràdio Cassà: http://www.radiocassa.cat/web/index.php/llistat-noticies/9-breus/1042-el-programa-l-oreal-unesco-beca-la-cientifica-cassanenca-anna-laromaine