Tag: Master thesis

Welcome Oriol!

Today we introduce the latest entry at the N&N group: the master’s student Oriol Torrecilla: 
“Hi, my name is Oriol Torrecilla and I am from Barcelona, Spain. In 2015 I got my B.Sc. in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). I spent half a year in Denmark doing my bachelor’s thesis at the iNANO center. After I received my degree, I worked at ICMAB on synthesis and functionalization of gold nanoparticles in the FunNanoSurf group. Right now I am studying a Master’s degree in Applied Material Chemistry at UB and I will be doing my thesis in the N&N group with Ana Larromaine and Soledad Roig. My project is about synthesis and characterization of cellulose spheres functionalized with different nanoparticles which have promising applications, especially in biomedicine.”

Welcome to the group Oriol, we hope you enjoy your time here!

Welcome María Jesús!

New Master’s student in the N&N group!
“My name is María Jesús nchez and I am from Badajoz (Spain). I have studied Biotechnology at Pablo Olavide University (Seville). Now, I am studying a Master’s Degree in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in UAB. I will be doing my masters final thesis with the N&N group under the supervision of Anna Laromaine and Irene Anton.  I will study the interactions between bacterial nanocellulose and growth factors.”
We wish you all the best for your project María Jesús!

Jan defended his Master Thesis in Poland

Jan Grzelak defended his Master thesis at the University of Warsaw on the 27th of July 2017. His supervisors Anna Laromaine and Martí Gich came to Poland for the defence.
Jan was enrolled in a Master’s in Nanostructure Engineering and the title of the thesis was ‘Synthesis of supports for catalysis with palladium nanoparticles templated by bacterial cellulose’.
He got the highest mark (excellent) for the defence and the final mark from the whole studies was 4.88/5. He will receive a diploma with distinction! Next academic year Jan will be back to the N&N group to do his PhD with a grant from La Caixa

Congratulations Jan!

CONGRATULATIONS to Laura González!


We congratulate Laura for her Master thesis, the jury mark her work as EXCELLENT !! taking into account the following criteria:

Report: very good 

Oral presentation: very good 

Discussion with jury members: very good