Laura Gonzalez
Ph.D. student
2013 – 2017
Thesis: Evaluating inorganic nanoparticles in the living organism Caenorhabditis elegans
Current position: Laboratoris Vinyes, Barcelona
Anna May
Postdoctoral fellow (Juan de la Cierva Researcher)
November 2015 – April 2017
Topic: Photocatalysis for hydrogen production.
Current position: Communication Officer at ICMAB
Pol Sallés
Project Researcher
March – September 2016
Topic: Functionalizaitn of cotton fibers with nanoparticles by microwave synthesis.
Current position: M.Sc. student in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (Erasmus Mundus in Toulose, Krakow and Córdoba).
Wojciech Saletra
Postdoctoral fellow
January-December 2014
Topic: Fluids under negative pressure
Maria Milla
Postdoctoral fellow
April 2013-December 2014
Topic: Biocompatibility of bacterial cellulose/nanoparticles composite materials.
Current position: Postdoctoral fellow at ETH Zurich, Department of Biology, Zürich, Switzerland