Hot off the press: Ma and Martí’s work published in JMMM!
Members on N&N Group have published yet another article in recent days. The paper “Magnetic properties of Cr-substituted ε-(Fe1-xCrx)2O3 nanoparticles with epsilon structure” authored by Ma Zheng and Martí Gich was published in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.
The work has been carried out in ICMAB and at ALBA synchrotron. The authors reported the successful substitution of significant amounts of Fe3+ by Cr3+ (up to 7.5 atomic %) into the polar ferrimagnet ε-Fe2O3 which has received considerable attention for its unusually large magnetic anisotropy and magnetoelectric multiferroic properties at room-temperature. The results make way for gaining a deeper understanding of the origins of magnetocristalline anisotropy and magnetoelastic effects in ε-Fe2O3 and thus of its properties (huge coercivity and magnetoelectric properties), which are relevant to the prospective applications in the field of information technologies.
ε-Fe2O3 has gained considerable interest due to its intriguing properties and great application potentials. In this work ε-(Fe1−xCrx)2O3 (x= 0, 0.03, 0.075) nanoparticles encapsulated in silica have been successfully prepared by sol–gel chemistry. Synchrotron diffraction confirms that the polar Pna21 structure of ε-Fe2O3 is robust against the substitution of Fe by Cr. The incorporation of chromium is accompanied by a softer magnetic behaviour, and also a gradual decrease in the ferromagnetic signal associated to the super-hard FM2 ferrimagnetic phase. While the Cr substitution has little impact on the low temperature incommensurate transition, it is found that Cr substitution shifts the super-hard and soft ferrimagnetic transitions (respectively, TN2 and TN1) to notably lower temperatures.
epsilon phase, information technologies, iron oxide, Ma Zheng, magnetic materials, Magnetism, Martí Gich, new paper, new publication