N&N Group and Grup de Transductors Químics (CNM) Collaboration: new paper on heavy metals detection
Electroanalytical Assessment of Heavy Metals in Waters with Bismuth Nanoparticle-Porous Carbon Paste Electrodes
The final version of the paper in Electrochimica Acta is on-line . It will be published in the journal in May. You can download it from the link. http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1QjGc_JcNCuYR The journal provides free access to the article for almost two months and the article can also be shared during this time.
- •A bismuth carbon nanocomposite material prepared by a one-pot sol-gel process.
- •Application to the fabrication of a sensor for heavy metal detection in waters.
- •Cd, Pb and Ni were measured at concentration levels below the MAC-EQS set by the EU.
- •Thorough assessment of the sensor performance in water samples of different origin.