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Anna Roig and Anna Laromaine presented our research at the nanoMATERIALS & PLANTS: ICMAB-CRAG meeting

On Monday, July 16, 2018, the first ICMAB-CRAG meeting took place at CRAG. The goal of this meeting was to promote new collaborations among researchers from the ICMAB and the CRAG.


Anna Laromaine, who already collaborates with CRAG with the project “Plant nano-healing“, gave an overview about the C.elegans and the bacterial cellulose research lines in the N&N group. Later, Anna Roig presented the library of nanoparticles and its diverse applications that the N&N group has developed in the recent years.

Anna Laromaine during her talk at CRAG
Anna Roig showing the different types of nanoparticles produced by the N&N group

LLAVOR Project was awarded to the Group NN

PLANT HEALING, a project lead by Dr. Anna Laromaine from the Group Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites at the Institut of Materials Science in Barcelona (ICMAB) and in collaboration with the Group of Bacterial pathogens and plant cell death from the Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), was awarded by Els Fons Europeus de Desenvolupament Regional i el Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya with a grant of 20.000€. The PLANT HEALING 2016 LLAVOR 00052 project will work to offer a novel material that could be implemented in current grafting protocols with no extra time or effort to significantly improve graft efficiency. PLANT HEALING will make an agricultural breakthrough, by developing a new nanocomposite material containing silver nanoparticles linked to bacterial nanocellulose.


ICMAB news: Anna Laromaine representing the CSIC at NanoTech 2017 in Tokyo

Anna Laromaine (NN Group, ICMAB-CSIC), Pedro Serena (Delegate of the CSIC in the Community of Madrid) and Javier Maira (Head of the Technology Marketing Unit of the CSIC)

The participation of Anna Laromaine at NanoTech 2017 (International Nanotechnology Exhibition and Conference) in Tokyo has appeared at the ICMAB website

Anna could present there the patentMethod for the regeneration of plant tissues” developed by ICMAB-CSIC and CRAG (Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics) to several companies.

  • Read the news at ICMAB here
  • Read the previous post in this website here

Jordi Floriach attends the B·Debate on “Plant proteostasis: towards a green based industry” at CosmoCaixa, co-organized by CRAG


CosmoCaixa Barcelona hosts on September 27th and 28th a meeting of international researchers in basic and applied plant research focused on the development of new sustainable materials: “Plant proteostasis: towards a green based industry”.

The meeting is organized by B·Debate, an initiative of Biocat and Obra Social “la Caixa”, together with the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) (CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB), and the COST Proteostasis action. 

Jordi Floriach, student from the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology degree at UAB and intern in our group under the supervison of Anna Laromaine, is attending this meeting, whose scientific leaders are L. Maria Lois and Núria Sànchez Coll, from CRAG and collaborators of the N&N Group


The purpose of these debates is to bring together multidisciplinary biotechnology experts to create synergies that would facilitate the transition from a fossil-dependent economy to a sustainable bioeconomy, but also to gain acceptance and support from the general public to carry out this transition. 

More information about the agenda and the speakers can be found here: