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Apply now for the Scientific Summer School on Materials for Biomedical Applications – June 19-22, 2017

ICMAB organizes the summer school “Materials for Biomedical Applications”, which will present the design, development and application of new materials for a wide range of biomedical applications. The summer school is addressed to last year undergraduate, master and PhD students

The school includes lectures from international and local speakers, hands on and management activities. As a consequence, this scientific school is an optimal opportunity to discover, learn and practise on material science focusing on fundamental science and applied research in the field of biomedicine.

The local organizing committee is formed by Arantzazu González, Anna Laromaine, Rosario Núñez, Jose Vidal-Gancedo and Gerard Tobias.

  • Application deadline: May 21, 2017
  • Places available: 50
  • Registration fee: 100 € (Scholarships available! Send your CV and motivation letter to
  • Flyer here
  • Webpage here

biomedical applications, ICMAB, materials, summer school