Hot off the press: New paper in Chemical Engineering Journal!

The paper “Mitochondria-targeted magnetic gold nanoheterostructure for multi-modal imaging guided photothermal and photodynamic therapy of triple-negative breast cancer has been published in Chemical Engineering Journal. The paper is co-authored by Anna Roig and a former N&N Group member Siming Yu (now Guangdong Provincial Engineering and Technological Research Center for Drug Carrier Development, Guangzhou).

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Hot off the press: paper in Advanced Electronic Materials!

A paper authored by Martí Gich, “Unconventional Ferroelectric Switching via Local Domain Wall Motion in Multiferroic ε‐Fe2O3 Films“, was recently published in open access in Advanced Electronic Materials. It is a result of a collaboration between scientists from ICMAB, Aalto University and Forschungszentrum Jülich. It has received funding from the ERC.


Congratulations Martí!