High participation of the N&N group at the 3rd Scientific Meeting of PhD Students
November 7th and 8th:
ICMAB hosted the third edition of the Meeting of PhD students from the Barcelona Nanotechnology Cluster – Bellaterra (ICMAB, ICN2, IMB-CNM, UAB, ALBA). This event is intended at promoting the networking between them in an academic and scientific environment. The PhD students from the N&N group participated largely with posters and oral contributions:
Miquel Torras: Fast and simple microwave synthesis of functional multimaterial goldnanoparticles
Sole Roig: Engineering bacterial cellulose during the biosynthesis
Yajie Zhang: Multifunctional Platform of Nanocapsules as Drug Carrier for Angiogenic Therapies
Oral presentations:
Zhongrui Luo: Evaluation of the nano-bio interactions between Au-NPs and Caenorhabditis elegans
Zheng Ma: Understanding ferroelectricity in epsilon-Fe2O3 films
Irene Anton: Functionalized bacterial nanocellulose for epithelial regeneration
And… Irene was awarded with the second award for the best oral presentation!
BCN-b PhD meeting, best oral presentation, nanotechnology, PhD students, posters